Monthly Archives: September 2021

Life In Japan: Respect for the Aged Day

This past Monday was a national holiday here in Japan: 敬老の日, Keirō no Hi, Respect for the Aged Day. My neighbor brought me a very special gift from the people of Tambasasayama. Continue reading

Posted in Japan, Social Commentary, Travel | Tagged , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Wow! Britney Spears!

After years and years of struggle and legal battles, this courageous lady has finally escaped the court-ordered lockdown which imposed on her the random tyranny of a bunch of old white men, and kneecapped her brilliant career. We should all be very grateful that her nightmare is over. Britney Spears is free! Free to lead us to a glorious and redeeming future. Or at least get us dancing. Continue reading

Posted in Deconstruction, Music, Nihilism, Satire, Social Commentary | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Life In Japan: “Savings”

This story wanders around a bit but I think it’s fun and certainly offers something inspiring about people in Japan. Continue reading

Posted in Banking, Deconstruction, Japan, Social Commentary, Travel | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment