Monthly Archives: January 2022

It Is What It Isn’t

Yes, we’re buried in mountains of bullsh*t, propaganda, fake this, fake that, deep fakes, false flags, manufactured crises. Lies are flaunted openly with brash impudence and total impunity, even celebrated. Being a great liar, if not openly lauded, seems to be quietly admired. That’s the world we live in. It is what it isn’t. It’s probably not what it appears to be. Truth is relative. Facts belong to the highest bidder. So … is there a solution to this mess? Anything we can do to reverse this descent into cognitive chaos? Continue reading

Posted in Corporatism, Deconstruction, Democracy, Journalism, Political Analysis, Political Rant, Social Commentary | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Whose Money Is It?

In a democratic country — government of the people, by the people, for the people — who “owns” the government’s money? Either money is privately owned (people, companies, corporations, investment banks, etc) or it’s publicly owned. If through taxes, bonds, borrowing, printing, digital creation, money is deposited in the U.S. Treasury for later disbursement, whose money is it? Who actually OWNS that money before it’s sent on its way to pay the bills? Continue reading

Posted in Banking, Democracy, Economics, Political Analysis, Political Rant | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Life In Japan: “Let it snow . . . let it snow . . .”

Understandably, with my thousands of friends, millions of acquaintances, uncountable fans and followers, I am overwhelmed with curiosity about the details of my life here in Japan. Here’s one question I’ve gotten . . . well, hmm . . . taking a microscope to the past thirteen or so years . . . I’d say at least three times: “What’s the weather like there?” Continue reading

Posted in Deconstruction, Japan, Spiritual, Travel | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Life In Japan: Rice Cakes

Rice cakes are edible hockey pucks which very popular here in Japan. Not surprisingly they are made out of rice. Continue reading

Posted in Food, Japan, Social Commentary, Travel | Tagged , , , , , , , | 2 Comments