Just when we thought it was safe to go to the supermarket . . .
There is informed speculation (an article posted on OpEdNews.com just today titled “Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bio-engineered to produce human fatalities”) that the E.coli outbreak in Europe which has caused 22 deaths and the hospitalization of at least 2200 people, is the direct product of malicious laboratory bio-engineering.
In a nutshell, it is statistically and biologically impossible for this strain of bacteria to simultaneously become resistant to every currently effective form of antibiotic __ over a dozen such formulations over the eight drug classes now universally marshaled to fight such pathogens. This level of resistance means it would be potentially fatal to anyone who became infected, since there would be no way to counter it. The statistical impossibility means it was man-made, an intentional act of sabotage and biological terrorism.
To add more layers of distress to our understandable horror that this sort of biological threat was the product of the lab and not the result of natural processes, the motive being suggested for its creation, is the elimination of natural and organic farms by the top few agricultural mega-corporations who have over recent years demonstrated in no uncertain terms their intent to ultimately secure a total monopoly on the supply of all of our food products. The finger for the contamination of the vegetables in the food crisis in Europe, is being pointed directly at those farms which don’t subscribe to the agricultural model of big corporate farming.
This parallels similar campaigns in the past. To quote the referenced article, “The FDA relied on the same phenomenon in the USA when pushing for its recent ‘Food Safety Modernization Act’ which essentially outlaws small family organic farms unless they lick the boots of FDA regulators.”
So . . . the agricultural mega-giants are at it again, doing what they do best __which is maximizing profits, running all those pesky little local farmers out of business, and keeping all of us trembling in our socks every time we pick up a non-GMO tomato or consider buying an organic bell pepper.
Actually, I haven’t thought it was safe to go to the supermarket for quite some time now, for a lot of different reasons. But this adds a new demented twist to my paranoia. Maybe it’s not safe to go anywhere any more. It certainly seems that there is no safe haven from the cancerous tentacles of corporatism __ not on this planet.
The New Corporate Weapon: Bio-Terrorism
Just when we thought it was safe to go to the supermarket . . .
There is informed speculation (an article posted on OpEdNews.com just today titled “Forensic evidence emerges that European e.coli superbug was bio-engineered to produce human fatalities”) that the E.coli outbreak in Europe which has caused 22 deaths and the hospitalization of at least 2200 people, is the direct product of malicious laboratory bio-engineering.
In a nutshell, it is statistically and biologically impossible for this strain of bacteria to simultaneously become resistant to every currently effective form of antibiotic __ over a dozen such formulations over the eight drug classes now universally marshaled to fight such pathogens. This level of resistance means it would be potentially fatal to anyone who became infected, since there would be no way to counter it. The statistical impossibility means it was man-made, an intentional act of sabotage and biological terrorism.
To add more layers of distress to our understandable horror that this sort of biological threat was the product of the lab and not the result of natural processes, the motive being suggested for its creation, is the elimination of natural and organic farms by the top few agricultural mega-corporations who have over recent years demonstrated in no uncertain terms their intent to ultimately secure a total monopoly on the supply of all of our food products. The finger for the contamination of the vegetables in the food crisis in Europe, is being pointed directly at those farms which don’t subscribe to the agricultural model of big corporate farming.
This parallels similar campaigns in the past. To quote the referenced article, “The FDA relied on the same phenomenon in the USA when pushing for its recent ‘Food Safety Modernization Act’ which essentially outlaws small family organic farms unless they lick the boots of FDA regulators.”
So . . . the agricultural mega-giants are at it again, doing what they do best __which is maximizing profits, running all those pesky little local farmers out of business, and keeping all of us trembling in our socks every time we pick up a non-GMO tomato or consider buying an organic bell pepper.
Actually, I haven’t thought it was safe to go to the supermarket for quite some time now, for a lot of different reasons. But this adds a new demented twist to my paranoia. Maybe it’s not safe to go anywhere any more. It certainly seems that there is no safe haven from the cancerous tentacles of corporatism __ not on this planet.