However, regardless of how cuddly other members the animal kingdom might seem, some just can’t be domesticated.
We can go into all sorts of reasons for why this is. It’s instinct. It’s part of their wiring. They had a bad time in school (I guess that would only apply to fish).
We can find countless stories which confirm this. Here is one extremely gruesome one about a wolf hybrid which killed a 5-year-old in Cincinnati.
There’s a lesson in this for all of us. If something bites your head off, then proceeds to eat you, best not make a cozy place for it in front of the fireplace.
There are certain animals in our society who have made it very clear they aren’t hanging around to be cute and fill our lives with canoodles and love. They have bitten off the head of our government by destroying democracy, and are now proceeding to eat the decaying corpse of America by strip mining our nation and its citizens of all of the wealth.
These predators are leaving a trail of carcasses. Towns like Detroit, Camden, New Orleans, Scranton, Buffalo, Youngstown, Cleveland, Flint, and St. Louis have been gutted of their capacity to survive and offer any kind of life for their residents.
These sociopathic bullies are literally ripping America to shreds and sending the choice morsels off someplace else __ the money to offshore tax havens and our jobs to miserable impoverished countries so they can treat their workers like animals.
These are vicious, self-serving, rapacious individuals who by sneering at our appeals to their humanity make it clear they don’t have any humanity.
What to do? Should we try to sit down and have a nice talk with them about what kind of country America is suppose to be and how we all need to do our part? How about some new slap-on-the-wrist tax code regulations which create the illusion that we’re requiring them to contribute to rebuilding a strong and just America? How about some new laws which guarantee equal opportunities for everyone, protections of the vulnerable against the predations of the powerful?
Naw! Waste of time. We’ve tried that. Doesn’t work.
How about if we drop them off in some jungle where they can fight for survival with their own kind __ other undomesticable beasts with no conscience, no morals, no noble values, nothing driving them but kill or be killed?
Ah yes . . . the law of the jungle . . . or the free market system as it’s sometimes called.
The problem is we’re the ones in the jungle. They’re in their plush mansions, exclusive club houses, gated communities, yachts and resort spas. We’re the ones, ill-equipped and at enormous disadvantage, who are forced to try to survive undomesticable beasts with no conscience, no morals, no noble values, nothing driving them but kill or be killed.
There’s only one way to defeat a bully.
Ignore, avoid, shun, ostracize, exile, quarantine the thug.
There’s no secret to any of this. It’s no mystery.
We actually know what we have to do to stop the rampage on America. We know exactly who is behind the systematic destruction. We know that even though they like to portray themselves as all cuddly and concerned about the rest of us, they can’t be trusted. We also know they are insatiable and will attack and devour everything and everyone they can get their claws on. We know that there’s been a class war going on in this nation and the rich bullies, who now own our government and the vast majority of America’s wealth, will not slow down until every last shred and morsel of our once great country has been carted off.
Some people say, “Live and let live.” Or, “Turn the other cheek.” Noble sentiments which have a lovely ring to them, for sure. But I’m afraid we’re way beyond such niceties.
I prefer, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Coming from a family of pretty decent people who taught me that I am my brother’s keeper, I’m more than happy to share the wealth with everyone. There’s plenty to go around. Plenty!!
For those rich elite who feel no responsibility for their fellow citizens, who regard hunger, poverty, educational opportunity, a livable wage, justice, peace, fairness in the work place and the voting booth, equality, good affordable health care for everyone, personal privacy and freedom, as someone else’s problems, for those bullies who use America’s resources, its government, its people, its military, its institutions, only for their own enrichment and aggrandizement, I used to feel pity.
Now I only feel contempt and loathing.
It’s just not America to be so selfish.
It’s not America to be so insatiably greedy.
It’s not America to game the system.
It’s not America to buy the politicians, bully the public.
At least it’s not the America I grew up believing in.
It’s not the America you and I know is possible.
We didn’t start this class war. These folks are extremely dangerous.
Bullies Can’t Be Domesticated
However, regardless of how cuddly other members the animal kingdom might seem, some just can’t be domesticated.
We can go into all sorts of reasons for why this is. It’s instinct. It’s part of their wiring. They had a bad time in school (I guess that would only apply to fish).
We can find countless stories which confirm this. Here is one extremely gruesome one about a wolf hybrid which killed a 5-year-old in Cincinnati.
There’s a lesson in this for all of us. If something bites your head off, then proceeds to eat you, best not make a cozy place for it in front of the fireplace.
There are certain animals in our society who have made it very clear they aren’t hanging around to be cute and fill our lives with canoodles and love. They have bitten off the head of our government by destroying democracy, and are now proceeding to eat the decaying corpse of America by strip mining our nation and its citizens of all of the wealth.
These predators are leaving a trail of carcasses. Towns like Detroit, Camden, New Orleans, Scranton, Buffalo, Youngstown, Cleveland, Flint, and St. Louis have been gutted of their capacity to survive and offer any kind of life for their residents.
These sociopathic bullies are literally ripping America to shreds and sending the choice morsels off someplace else __ the money to offshore tax havens and our jobs to miserable impoverished countries so they can treat their workers like animals.
These are vicious, self-serving, rapacious individuals who by sneering at our appeals to their humanity make it clear they don’t have any humanity.
What to do? Should we try to sit down and have a nice talk with them about what kind of country America is suppose to be and how we all need to do our part? How about some new slap-on-the-wrist tax code regulations which create the illusion that we’re requiring them to contribute to rebuilding a strong and just America? How about some new laws which guarantee equal opportunities for everyone, protections of the vulnerable against the predations of the powerful?
Naw! Waste of time. We’ve tried that. Doesn’t work.
How about if we drop them off in some jungle where they can fight for survival with their own kind __ other undomesticable beasts with no conscience, no morals, no noble values, nothing driving them but kill or be killed?
Ah yes . . . the law of the jungle . . . or the free market system as it’s sometimes called.
The problem is we’re the ones in the jungle. They’re in their plush mansions, exclusive club houses, gated communities, yachts and resort spas. We’re the ones, ill-equipped and at enormous disadvantage, who are forced to try to survive undomesticable beasts with no conscience, no morals, no noble values, nothing driving them but kill or be killed.
There’s only one way to defeat a bully.
Ignore, avoid, shun, ostracize, exile, quarantine the thug.
Starve the beast!
There’s no secret to any of this. It’s no mystery.
We actually know what we have to do to stop the rampage on America. We know exactly who is behind the systematic destruction. We know that even though they like to portray themselves as all cuddly and concerned about the rest of us, they can’t be trusted. We also know they are insatiable and will attack and devour everything and everyone they can get their claws on. We know that there’s been a class war going on in this nation and the rich bullies, who now own our government and the vast majority of America’s wealth, will not slow down until every last shred and morsel of our once great country has been carted off.
Some people say, “Live and let live.” Or, “Turn the other cheek.” Noble sentiments which have a lovely ring to them, for sure. But I’m afraid we’re way beyond such niceties.
I prefer, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Coming from a family of pretty decent people who taught me that I am my brother’s keeper, I’m more than happy to share the wealth with everyone. There’s plenty to go around. Plenty!!
For those rich elite who feel no responsibility for their fellow citizens, who regard hunger, poverty, educational opportunity, a livable wage, justice, peace, fairness in the work place and the voting booth, equality, good affordable health care for everyone, personal privacy and freedom, as someone else’s problems, for those bullies who use America’s resources, its government, its people, its military, its institutions, only for their own enrichment and aggrandizement, I used to feel pity.
Now I only feel contempt and loathing.
It’s just not America to be so selfish.
It’s not America to be so insatiably greedy.
It’s not America to game the system.
It’s not America to buy the politicians, bully the public.
At least it’s not the America I grew up believing in.
It’s not the America you and I know is possible.
We didn’t start this class war. These folks are extremely dangerous.
We can’t just let them wander around the house.
Bullies can’t be domesticated.