Many Americans would like to lose that unsightly bulge in the middle. Billions of dollars are spent every year on miracle diet pills and weight loss gadgets of questionable value.
Recently, studies have demonstrated that America as a whole is definitely losing its bulge in the middle.
But that’s not a good thing.
Look at these charts:
A nation which has a sizable majority as middle-class, and is not plagued by extremes of wealth and poverty, is historically a nation which thrives, one which has a solid economy and laudable living standards. A nation which does not declines and disintegrates.
Unfortunately, the U.S. is accelerating in the wrong direction on both counts.
The middle-class is shrinking, and wealth inequality is at an all-time high, projected to become even more severe in the coming decades.
There are way too many factors contributing to this destructive juggernaut to go into here. But two things are obvious.
First, people have to recognize that this is an existential threat to our country.
Second, they need to take action.
Since the all major media is controlled by the plutocracy, the first — to put it mildly — is extremely challenging. There are many talking about these two crises, on alternative and progressive news sites, and of course via blogs such as this one. Bernie Sanders has made them centerpieces of his presidential bid and has done more than any other public figure in recent memory to heighten awareness on these challenges.
But it’s still an uphill battle of Sisyphean proportions.
The second might also seem to be exceptionally daunting, especially since democracy has been officially declared dead as now implemented in America.
Surprisingly, however, there is hope and at least getting started is not that difficult.
I’m referring to a campaign by F-R-E-E.US which takes only a few minutes of your time but has the potential at the end of the slog to make a huge difference.
FREE US is allied with the NEAR Foundation, a progressive think tank.
I’m adopting a very low-key approach in recommending this. I assume you’re all very tired of boorish hawking and inflated promises. All I’m asking is for you to spend just a little time with it. Look at the site, take a quick survey, and download Vote Like You Mean It, the free book you receive just for giving this a few moments of your time.
Judge for yourself.
But don’t cynically dismiss it.
This could work.
Getting Rid of That Bulge in the Middle
Recently, studies have demonstrated that America as a whole is definitely losing its bulge in the middle.
But that’s not a good thing.
Look at these charts:
Unfortunately, the U.S. is accelerating in the wrong direction on both counts.
The middle-class is shrinking, and wealth inequality is at an all-time high, projected to become even more severe in the coming decades.
There are way too many factors contributing to this destructive juggernaut to go into here. But two things are obvious.
First, people have to recognize that this is an existential threat to our country.
Second, they need to take action.
Since the all major media is controlled by the plutocracy, the first — to put it mildly — is extremely challenging. There are many talking about these two crises, on alternative and progressive news sites, and of course via blogs such as this one. Bernie Sanders has made them centerpieces of his presidential bid and has done more than any other public figure in recent memory to heighten awareness on these challenges.
But it’s still an uphill battle of Sisyphean proportions.
The second might also seem to be exceptionally daunting, especially since democracy has been officially declared dead as now implemented in America.
Surprisingly, however, there is hope and at least getting started is not that difficult.
I’m referring to a campaign by F-R-E-E.US which takes only a few minutes of your time but has the potential at the end of the slog to make a huge difference.
FREE US is allied with the NEAR Foundation, a progressive think tank.
Judge for yourself.
But don’t cynically dismiss it.
This could work.