Monthly Archives: August 2020

Life In Japan: FBI

Friends not familiar with Japan always express surprise when I tell them that camping is one of our favorite ways to tour the country. I have to remind them that Japan is not just cement and tall buildings with giant flat-panel displays advertising cafés, pachinko, and novelty shops. 70% of Japan is covered with forests. And we have an array of topological features which offer both stunning natural beauty and incredible variety: rivers, oceans, seas, mountains, valleys, hills, volcanoes, ponds, lakes, sand dunes, tropical rain forests (Okinawa), hundreds of kilometers of beaches, by golly even one semi-parched desert, finally, last but certainly not least, hundreds of islands. After all, Japan is an island! Continue reading

Posted in Deconstruction, Environment, Japan, Travel | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Life In Japan: TVs on TV

Here is glimpse into gender blurring in post-modern Japan, where the man still wears the pants in the family . . . when he’s not wearing a mini-skirt. Continue reading

Posted in Deconstruction, Japan, Social Commentary, Travel | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 0 Comments