Killer bees will overwhelm us and end the human race!
Believe it?
There’s a perfect parallel here. This ridiculous scare headline is on a par with the coronavirus panic that’s been manufactured by a new set of bedfellows writhing in a clusterf*ck of hypocrisy and deception: power-hungry government autocrats, the pharmaceutical industry, compromised agencies of the United Nations, a mega-wealthy computer industry mediocrity claiming divine expertise in medical matters, technocratic futurists who hope to game a paradigm-shift — a reset — into global social control, and the usual court jesters and sycophants who inject their mercenary amorality into any opportunity to make a buck.
Protective wear should be worn 24 hoursa day, even while sleeping. Killer bees, like surveillance cameras, are everywhere.
Yes, people have died from being stung by killer bees. Many people have died due to hyper-sensitivity to stings by more ordinary bees. No one likes getting stung by bees. This does not equate to a massive invasion and humanity-ending assault by bees of any level of aggression. Though if there were money to be made, I have no doubt we’d be treated to a Killer Bee psy-ops and everyone would be looking like this guy to go shopping or to get bee repellant vaccine shots.
A state of emergency would be declared and to “protect us from ourselves”, anyone not wearing the appropriate netting would be fined and/or arrested. Someone taking the garbage out to the curb on collection day, not dressed head-to-toe like they were Netman, the latest Marvel Comics superhero, would be vilified and attacked by shovel-wielding neighbors.
Sound at all familiar? Is it really so much of a stretch?
So what’s going on with the “pandemic”? And please let’s not resort to labels and ideological frameworks. This is not right wing or left wing. It’s not Republican or Democrat. It’s authoritarianism making a beeline for tyranny, and whether it’s “fascism” or “Trumpism” or “communism” or “corporatism” isn’t really relevant. Let’s just call this what it is.
How do we know? How do we know a real virus has been blown up into a fake pandemic?
Because there are many success stories across the globe fighting this latest disease, the latest pathogenic mischief-maker off the assembly line of misery that’s been churning away the entire course of recorded history. You probably won’t hear about these success stories in the monotone narrative of Covid-19 coverage in the U.S. media. I source news from all over the world and trust me, what’s going on in many other countries is nothing like what is unfolding in the United States of Dysfunction.
I’ll mention two from personal experience. Verifiable because I can see them with my own eyes. I’ve cited the first in public comments and various articles before . . .
Total deaths in Japan 2019: 1.38 million.
Total deaths in Japan 2020: 1.36 million.
Yes, in the raging scourge of a life-threatening coronavirus PANDEMIC, fewer people died in Japan than the year before the world was shrouded in a cloud of Covid-19 “killer bees”.
Secondly, two days ago, my wife talked to a Chinese friend, WHO LIVES IN CHINA. You know, the Kung Flu country, the Wuhan Virus nation of super-spreaders. His report: There’s now not a single case of Covid-19 in Beijing. NOT A SINGLE CASE! The guy is not political. He has no agenda. He’s not a member of the Communist Party there. He’s just stating the facts. His life is COMPLETELY NORMAL.
Actually, my life is completely normal, if you consider eating rice and tofu everyday normal.
Looking now at the big picture, what are we dealing with?
First, recognize that the statistics we’re fed are very suspect. The WHO instructed every nation to attribute the death of anyone who tests positive for the dread virus, whose death can’t be definitively proven to some other cause, as a Covid-19 casualty. So unless you’ve been hit by a bus or fallen into an erupting volcano, if there are Covid-19 antibodies in your system when you die, then that’s a Covid-19 death. Mind you, the whole mechanism for determining if you’re a “case” — meaning you test positive — is totally flawed. The PCR test everyone is using, according to the man himself WHO DESIGNED THE TEST, is inappropriate for this type of diagnosis and unreliable for detection and confirmation of Covid-19 infection.
Then there’s the conflation of ‘cases’ and ‘positive tests’. New cases are reported everyday, with ominous graphics and somber tones by talking heads. But a person can test positive, be completely healthy and unaffected, not even be contagious, and never ever experience any negative consequences from the presence of the virus in their system. For example, we all normally have a number of cancer cells in our bodies and bloodstreams. Our immune system keeps them in check, so we never come down with cancer. The mere detectable presence of a pathogen doesn’t say anything definitive about the onset of a disease. To report anyone who tests positive from a test that isn’t reliable in the first place, as a “case” — letting it be assumed they’re sick, coughing, wheezing, in a hospital, fighting for their lives — is very misleading.
Having said all that, let’s take a look at the official numbers, even though they are at best inaccurate and thus give a very skewed picture of what’s actually going on, with the errors contributing significantly to a sense of crisis and public panic.
It is reported as of today that there are 176,784,418 CASES of Covid-19. The World Population Clock says there are 7.77 billion people in the world. This means, supposedly only 2.275% of the world has even tested positive for the new “plague”. Many, if not most of these folks, aren’t even sick. Now, again recognizing that the number of deaths from Covid-19 stands at 3,826,567. With some basic math, this means .0129% of the world’s people have allegedly DIED of Covid-19, over almost 1 1/2 years.
For some perspective: Do you know how many people died during the real Plague? Well, ONE-THIRD of the population of London died in ONE SUMMER! Between 25,000,000 and 50,000,000 people died in Europe! That come to 30% TO 60% of everyone in Europe at the time. Deaths worldwide are estimated between 75 and 100 million. This was when the total population of the world was only 450 million.
That’s a REAL pandemic! Calling what’s going on now a pandemic is a total distortion of reality. Unfortunately, it’s working and people are panicking.
It could be argued that what we’re doing now is using modern medicine to prevent what might be a potential pandemic. Fine. A potential for something is not the same as the thing itself. There’s a potential the Earth will be struck by a huge asteroid. That’s not the same as the Earth being struck by a huge asteroid. If they made a sudden BREAKING NEWS announcement that the Earth had been hit by an asteroid, because some scientist estimated there was a 3 in 10 billion chance it could happen, they’d be lying. LYING!
Is Covid-19 dangerous? Granted, there are reality-deniers out there who say Covid-19 doesn’t even exist. Well, it’s real. Again just taking the inflated official numbers, 3,826,567 died out of 176,784,418 “cases” of infection. That’s .216% of supposedly infected people actually dying from it. Not 2% . . . but .2%!
The WHO reports the typical death rate from a typical influenza at .1% There are strains of influenza — for example H3N2 classified as a Type A strain — which can be much more lethal. So it looks like Covid-19 is slightly more dangerous than an average case of the flu. Caution and prudence are advised. Every possible treatment should be ready and waiting for anyone who actually contracts the disease.
But Covid-19 is NOT Ebola, Black Death, Hepatitis C, nuclear war, or a giant asteroid.
The startling thing, for me anyway, is that according to “official statistics” dished out by the CDC, the Covid-19 case fatality rate in the U.S. is 3.1%. What? 15 times what it is internationally? Something is wrong. Either the reporting system is screwed up, resulting in completely out-of-whack stats, or health care there is so abysmal, many treatable cases are resulting in unnecessary death. Somebody is not doing their job!
The people who are doing their job and making a killing along the way, are the big wigs running the pharmaceutical companies. And enough is never enough when there’s a raging pandemic of greed. The head of Pfizer says people who have been fully vaccinated with their EXPERIMENTAL and partially tested vaccine, will need a “booster” in 12 months. You see where this is headed?
Things here in Japan are good. People are sane, considerate of others, the government is very careful and measured in everything they’re doing to deal with Covid-19. But the U.S. is a whole different story.
The simple truth — and I’m not going to defend this with charts and piles of statistics because if you don’t even suspect there’s a problem in America or believe that (damn him) it’s all Trump’s fault, there’s no getting through to you anyway — yes, the simple, insulting, appalling, sickening truth is that a completely manageable health crisis has been willfully mishandled, the chaos and calculated social and economic disruption has been created and exploited purely for two obvious sinister intents: 1) bleeding more money out of our economy and us, its citizens; 2) more control, tyranny, and oppression, in order to silence any opposition or resistance to future plunder, i.e. accelerating the transfer of wealth and power upwards to the ruling elite.
So what can we do?
Understand that this whole manufactured crisis is not some fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants affair. It’s brilliantly, if diabolically, engineered for maximum impact. It’s been planned for a long time and they’ve paid attention to the details. Those responsible are not stupid and they’re not messing around. In fact, so much has already unfolded, and so many people gone along with this nonsense, it may be too late.
But we can try.
We must take back our lives. We have to take back our communities, street-by-street, neighborhood-by-neighborhood, church-by-church, local-business-by-local-business.
There were huge protests in London April of this year against coerced vaccinations and Covid-19 “passports”.
We can’t let the establishment bullies get away with this. And as we see from the recent demonstration in London, people in other countries are waking up to the lockdown scam.
We must try to stop this manufactured crisis. People need to know and defend their rights. Most importantly, we must do everything possible to stand strong against tyranny in any form.
As the brilliant, if gloomy, Chris Hedges says: We do this not because we know we’ll be successful. We do this because it’s the right thing to do.
Killer Bees!
Killer bees will overwhelm us and end the human race!
Believe it?
There’s a perfect parallel here. This ridiculous scare headline is on a par with the coronavirus panic that’s been manufactured by a new set of bedfellows writhing in a clusterf*ck of hypocrisy and deception: power-hungry government autocrats, the pharmaceutical industry, compromised agencies of the United Nations, a mega-wealthy computer industry mediocrity claiming divine expertise in medical matters, technocratic futurists who hope to game a paradigm-shift — a reset — into global social control, and the usual court jesters and sycophants who inject their mercenary amorality into any opportunity to make a buck.
Yes, people have died from being stung by killer bees. Many people have died due to hyper-sensitivity to stings by more ordinary bees. No one likes getting stung by bees. This does not equate to a massive invasion and humanity-ending assault by bees of any level of aggression. Though if there were money to be made, I have no doubt we’d be treated to a Killer Bee psy-ops and everyone would be looking like this guy to go shopping or to get bee repellant vaccine shots.
A state of emergency would be declared and to “protect us from ourselves”, anyone not wearing the appropriate netting would be fined and/or arrested. Someone taking the garbage out to the curb on collection day, not dressed head-to-toe like they were Netman, the latest Marvel Comics superhero, would be vilified and attacked by shovel-wielding neighbors.
Sound at all familiar? Is it really so much of a stretch?
So what’s going on with the “pandemic”? And please let’s not resort to labels and ideological frameworks. This is not right wing or left wing. It’s not Republican or Democrat. It’s authoritarianism making a beeline for tyranny, and whether it’s “fascism” or “Trumpism” or “communism” or “corporatism” isn’t really relevant. Let’s just call this what it is.
It’s a power grab.
And it’s a money grab.
How do we know? How do we know a real virus has been blown up into a fake pandemic?
Because there are many success stories across the globe fighting this latest disease, the latest pathogenic mischief-maker off the assembly line of misery that’s been churning away the entire course of recorded history. You probably won’t hear about these success stories in the monotone narrative of Covid-19 coverage in the U.S. media. I source news from all over the world and trust me, what’s going on in many other countries is nothing like what is unfolding in the United States of Dysfunction.
I’ll mention two from personal experience. Verifiable because I can see them with my own eyes. I’ve cited the first in public comments and various articles before . . .
Total deaths in Japan 2019: 1.38 million.
Total deaths in Japan 2020: 1.36 million.
Yes, in the raging scourge of a life-threatening coronavirus PANDEMIC, fewer people died in Japan than the year before the world was shrouded in a cloud of Covid-19 “killer bees”.
Secondly, two days ago, my wife talked to a Chinese friend, WHO LIVES IN CHINA. You know, the Kung Flu country, the Wuhan Virus nation of super-spreaders. His report: There’s now not a single case of Covid-19 in Beijing. NOT A SINGLE CASE! The guy is not political. He has no agenda. He’s not a member of the Communist Party there. He’s just stating the facts. His life is COMPLETELY NORMAL.
Actually, my life is completely normal, if you consider eating rice and tofu everyday normal.
Looking now at the big picture, what are we dealing with?
First, recognize that the statistics we’re fed are very suspect. The WHO instructed every nation to attribute the death of anyone who tests positive for the dread virus, whose death can’t be definitively proven to some other cause, as a Covid-19 casualty. So unless you’ve been hit by a bus or fallen into an erupting volcano, if there are Covid-19 antibodies in your system when you die, then that’s a Covid-19 death. Mind you, the whole mechanism for determining if you’re a “case” — meaning you test positive — is totally flawed. The PCR test everyone is using, according to the man himself WHO DESIGNED THE TEST, is inappropriate for this type of diagnosis and unreliable for detection and confirmation of Covid-19 infection.
Then there’s the conflation of ‘cases’ and ‘positive tests’. New cases are reported everyday, with ominous graphics and somber tones by talking heads. But a person can test positive, be completely healthy and unaffected, not even be contagious, and never ever experience any negative consequences from the presence of the virus in their system. For example, we all normally have a number of cancer cells in our bodies and bloodstreams. Our immune system keeps them in check, so we never come down with cancer. The mere detectable presence of a pathogen doesn’t say anything definitive about the onset of a disease. To report anyone who tests positive from a test that isn’t reliable in the first place, as a “case” — letting it be assumed they’re sick, coughing, wheezing, in a hospital, fighting for their lives — is very misleading.
Having said all that, let’s take a look at the official numbers, even though they are at best inaccurate and thus give a very skewed picture of what’s actually going on, with the errors contributing significantly to a sense of crisis and public panic.
It is reported as of today that there are 176,784,418 CASES of Covid-19. The World Population Clock says there are 7.77 billion people in the world. This means, supposedly only 2.275% of the world has even tested positive for the new “plague”. Many, if not most of these folks, aren’t even sick. Now, again recognizing that the number of deaths from Covid-19 stands at 3,826,567. With some basic math, this means .0129% of the world’s people have allegedly DIED of Covid-19, over almost 1 1/2 years.
For some perspective: Do you know how many people died during the real Plague? Well, ONE-THIRD of the population of London died in ONE SUMMER! Between 25,000,000 and 50,000,000 people died in Europe! That come to 30% TO 60% of everyone in Europe at the time. Deaths worldwide are estimated between 75 and 100 million. This was when the total population of the world was only 450 million.
That’s a REAL pandemic! Calling what’s going on now a pandemic is a total distortion of reality. Unfortunately, it’s working and people are panicking.
It could be argued that what we’re doing now is using modern medicine to prevent what might be a potential pandemic. Fine. A potential for something is not the same as the thing itself. There’s a potential the Earth will be struck by a huge asteroid. That’s not the same as the Earth being struck by a huge asteroid. If they made a sudden BREAKING NEWS announcement that the Earth had been hit by an asteroid, because some scientist estimated there was a 3 in 10 billion chance it could happen, they’d be lying. LYING!
Is Covid-19 dangerous? Granted, there are reality-deniers out there who say Covid-19 doesn’t even exist. Well, it’s real. Again just taking the inflated official numbers, 3,826,567 died out of 176,784,418 “cases” of infection. That’s .216% of supposedly infected people actually dying from it. Not 2% . . . but .2%!
The WHO reports the typical death rate from a typical influenza at .1% There are strains of influenza — for example H3N2 classified as a Type A strain — which can be much more lethal. So it looks like Covid-19 is slightly more dangerous than an average case of the flu. Caution and prudence are advised. Every possible treatment should be ready and waiting for anyone who actually contracts the disease.
But Covid-19 is NOT Ebola, Black Death, Hepatitis C, nuclear war, or a giant asteroid.
The startling thing, for me anyway, is that according to “official statistics” dished out by the CDC, the Covid-19 case fatality rate in the U.S. is 3.1%. What? 15 times what it is internationally? Something is wrong. Either the reporting system is screwed up, resulting in completely out-of-whack stats, or health care there is so abysmal, many treatable cases are resulting in unnecessary death. Somebody is not doing their job!
The people who are doing their job and making a killing along the way, are the big wigs running the pharmaceutical companies. And enough is never enough when there’s a raging pandemic of greed. The head of Pfizer says people who have been fully vaccinated with their EXPERIMENTAL and partially tested vaccine, will need a “booster” in 12 months. You see where this is headed?
Things here in Japan are good. People are sane, considerate of others, the government is very careful and measured in everything they’re doing to deal with Covid-19. But the U.S. is a whole different story.
The simple truth — and I’m not going to defend this with charts and piles of statistics because if you don’t even suspect there’s a problem in America or believe that (damn him) it’s all Trump’s fault, there’s no getting through to you anyway — yes, the simple, insulting, appalling, sickening truth is that a completely manageable health crisis has been willfully mishandled, the chaos and calculated social and economic disruption has been created and exploited purely for two obvious sinister intents: 1) bleeding more money out of our economy and us, its citizens; 2) more control, tyranny, and oppression, in order to silence any opposition or resistance to future plunder, i.e. accelerating the transfer of wealth and power upwards to the ruling elite.
So what can we do?
Understand that this whole manufactured crisis is not some fly-by-the-seat-of-the-pants affair. It’s brilliantly, if diabolically, engineered for maximum impact. It’s been planned for a long time and they’ve paid attention to the details. Those responsible are not stupid and they’re not messing around. In fact, so much has already unfolded, and so many people gone along with this nonsense, it may be too late.
But we can try.
We must take back our lives. We have to take back our communities, street-by-street, neighborhood-by-neighborhood, church-by-church, local-business-by-local-business.
We are seeing isolated courageous examples of that.
Then we must fight this in the courts. There is even talk about a 2nd Nuremberg tribunal, “against a cadre of international elites responsible for the corona fraud scandal.”
coerced vaccinations and Covid-19 “passports”.
We can’t let the establishment bullies get away with this. And as we see from the recent demonstration in London, people in other countries are waking up to the lockdown scam.
We must try to stop this manufactured crisis. People need to know and defend their rights. Most importantly, we must do everything possible to stand strong against tyranny in any form.
As the brilliant, if gloomy, Chris Hedges says: We do this not because we know we’ll be successful. We do this because it’s the right thing to do.