It astounds me how wimpy and servile voters are. Dude, we’re Americans! We’re supposed to be independent, tough, ruggedly individualistic, exceptional!
No one pushes us around! Unless they want their asses kicked!
So why is it when the election cycle rolls around and as voters we have to start listening to the professional windbags courting our approval, we let the candidates tell us what they’re going to do when they get elected?
Excuse me! Shouldn’t we be telling them what they’ll be doing if they get elected?
Voters seem to have forgotten how much power they collectively hold in their hands. The simple fact is, if we don’t like what we see, we don’t have to vote for someone. And if we don’t vote for them, they are out of a job.
Let me talk directly to you progressives out there — since the odds that a conservative or even centrist is visiting my web site are pretty nil — and discuss a perfect example of the kind of surrender that has perpetuated the powerlessness we all complain about, i.e. not getting our elected officials to listen to us and begin serving us instead of the 1%.
Understandably, we lefties are encouraged by the rise in popularity of Bernie Sanders.
His campaign is certainly a much-welcome breath of fresh air next to both the belligerent bombast of the certifiably insane Republican presidential candidates, and the slippery shape-shifting rhetoric of Hillary the Terminator, the Democrat’s heavy puncher in the neocon-driven cage fight to decide who has the most expedient blue print for incinerating the planet and destroying all living things in the nuclear holocaust of WWIII.
Why is Sanders gaining traction?
Because unlike everyone else, he’s addressing bread-and-butter issues, the challenges which affect the daily lives of most Americans. He’s talking about better jobs, increasing income, reducing wealth inequality, rebuilding our industrial base, bringing factories and jobs back to America, improving health care, education, making college affordable, etc.
Unfortunately . . . Sanders is NOT TALKING ABOUT ending unnecessary wars, reducing the defense budget, reversing the self-destructive pursuit of American empire, ending the monopoly control of foreign policy and promotion of military adventurism by the military-industrial complex, halting the unconstitutional citizen surveillance by the NSA, CIA, FBI and other security agencies, or ending the fraudulent War on Terror.
The simple truth is, all of his noble aspirations about improving the day-to-day lives of the majority of Americans will come to naught unless the militarization of American society and the imperialist agenda of world domination is reversed. As long as the current military mindset of Washington DC prevails, there will never be any money to address the needs of American citizens, nor will it ever be a priority. There will always be another bogeyman, terrorist group, rogue nation, another war, another “humanitarian intervention” to pursue. You and I, the everyday Americans who fund all of these illegal, immoral misadventures and self-destructive policies, will always be last on the list. Not even in the kitchen, much less on the back burner.
Whether Mr. Sanders is willfully ignorant of this reality, or whether he’s just confused, it’s up to us to set him straight.
Here’s what we say . . .
“Mr. Sanders, your intentions are good. You want to help the majority of American citizens enjoy a decent life. That’s very nice. But you’re delusional if you think that’s going to happen with an out-of-control military and a foreign policy built around confrontation and conquest. You want to be president and we want you to be president. But here’s the deal. Unless you change your positions on defense and foreign policy, you are not getting our vote. It’s your choice. You come around and stop all of this insanity, we’ll back you 100%. If you don’t, you can say ‘Hi’ to Hillary when she walks by you at the Democratic convention on her way to the podium to make her acceptance speech.”
Yes, this is playing hardball.
But you know what? If we don’t use our right to vote to our advantage, then there’s not much point in having it. We’re just puppets pretending we live in a democracy.
Now you might ask . . .
Is there a way to get this message to Mr. Sanders?
Glad you asked.
I have a clear, completely bulletproof, step-by-step strategy for doing exactly that.
It’s contained in my two books, Candidate Contracts: Taking Back Our Democracy and the abridged version of the same set of plans, Fighting for the Democracy We Deserve.
Am I trying to sell you a book?
Yes . . . but no.
If you are too cheap to buy either, or you simply can’t afford it, give me your email address and I’ll send you a free PDF copy. (Contact button is on the right side of this page.)
Does it get easier than that?
Take a few minutes here and save your country from the tyranny of the rich and powerful.
Your children will thank you.
“Candidate Contracts: Taking Back Our Democracy” was published middle of last year and is available worldwide from all the usual suspects:
Amazon (Kindle) . . .
Amazon (Print) . . .
Apple (iTunes) . . .
Barnes & Noble . . .
Kobo (Indigo) . . .
Smashwords . . .
Direct from printer . . .
“Fighting for the Democracy We Deserve” was published this past September and also is available both in every popular ebook format and as a deluxe paperback:
Amazon (Kindle) . . .
Amazon (Print) . . .
Apple (iTunes) . . .
Barnes & Noble . . .
Kobo (Indigo) . . .
Smashwords . . .
Direct from printer . . .
Just a theory . . .
Can you imagine? Many ancient cities and monuments were built by dragging enormous blocks of stone on sleds. It took hundreds of slaves to move giant boulders and huge slabs of cut rock into position.
Then someone suggested putting logs under the sleds, permitting a reduced number of slaves to push the incredibly heavy pieces along, or the same number of slaves to move the load much more quickly. This also allowed transporting even more monstrous blocks of cut stone and other bulky components. Some of the great wonders of the world came out of this simple suggestion, which seems obvious to us now.
Who thought of that? Some inventive member of the royal court? Maybe one of the slave foremen who was trying to score some points with the king?
Who subsequently made the astonishing mental leap to create the wheel? To make a large disk, drill a hole in the center, mount it on a long shaft attached to the “sled”?
Was it some cosmic thinker?
Maybe it was a slave who thought it might be his ticket to freedom. You can imagine him getting 50 lashes for dilly-dallying, drawing his theory for revolutionizing transportation for the entire future of mankind, in the sand with a stick . . .
“Listen, I have this idea for making . . . Ow! . . . Damn! That really hurts! . . . It’s just a theory but . . . AAAAAH! . . .”
My latest political book came out June 7. To put it mildly, it’s been an interesting couple months.
I’ve sent out over 900 copies. The book is a step-by-step plan for radical electoral reform, designed specifically to address the pandemic corruption among our elected politicos. It outlines in detail a real alternative to the two-party monopoly which has crippled our system. These copies went to independent political candidates and campaign managers, party campaign strategists, political analysts, academicians, pundits, journalists, opinion makers, bloggers, across a wide diversity of institutions __ colleges and universities, think tanks, media outlets, local and national political organizations.
I can’t say the response is very encouraging.
Most people don’t have time or are simply not interested in something outside-the-box and paradigm-shifting. Big ideas are the stuff of lunatics or delusionals. Everyone knows that change crawls along like a turtle and the hares should be put on Ritalin.
One moderately famous activist __ most progressives would know him, as he is involved in a lot of grass roots work and is regularly published in the media outlets of the left __ while tearing me a new anal sphincter, pointed out all of the ridiculous flaws and dead ends he could see in my worthless ideas. In a series of several long emails, he demolished my plan point-by-point, taking down one idea after another, condemning it all as just more of the same stuff that he typically finds in “these kinds of books”.
Of course, none of the ideas he so devastatingly ripped to shreds actually appeared in my book. He had clearly not read it, or any portion of it. The ideas he found easy to dismiss were the ones he assumed were there, I guess by looking at the title and the book cover.
When I pointed this out to him, I was accused of being obnoxious and too sensitive to criticism. The capper was accusing me in no uncertain terms of being out-of-control, hysterical, and going ballistic.
Granted, I’m not by any stretch a master of diplomacy. But I didn’t think that telling him that he might want to actually read the book before wasting any more of his or my time carrying on about how worthless it was, would be considered unreasonable or impolitic.
He concluded six very long, detailed emails by saying whatever the particulars of my strategy might be, it was “just a theory”.
Just a theory?
What is that supposed to mean?
A theory.
You mean like drilling a hole in a large disk, mounting it on an axle?
Am I comparing my approach to electoral reform to something as profound and truly history-shaping as the invention of the wheel?
Of course not. Maybe I’m more like the guy at the bottom of a lake who suggested making boats out of concrete instead of wood.
But . . .
How will we ever know if we don’t try?
How will we see any progress if we don’t look at new ideas, fresh approaches?
How does anyone new get heard when “established” experts go off like a cluster bomb when anyone encroaches on the staked-out territory of their self-proclaimed expertise?
Having said that . . . let me finish on a more positive note.
Other than a few very negative responses like the one I just described, and the 99% of those 900+ who didn’t respond at all, I did get some encouragement.
I’m not a name-dropper, so I’m not going to give you names.
But a very well-known government whistle-blower, certainly famous in circles of people concerned about the errant ways of the CIA and NSA on torture and spying, read my book cover-to-cover and said this:
“It is absolutely outstanding — a public service, really. You made it analytic, yet easy to understand, logical, and convincing. Well done.”
Another individual whose name the vast majority of Americans would know, who is widely respected as a progressive fighter and a fierce advocate for peace, a gentleman who served his country for most of his life, and has even run for president, called me from Washington DC and we talked for twenty minutes. He said my ideas were promising, that the kind of creative and unique thinking I brought to the difficult challenges of electoral reform and restoring representative democracy, were quite welcome and certainly valuable. He said that typically now, many established thinkers were locked into methodologies that didn’t work. Dramatic change would only come from dramatic and bold new ideas.
I’m not going to pretend it didn’t feel good to get some positive feedback, especially from two individuals who I respect and admire on a lot of different levels.
At the same time __ and I sincerely mean this __ a nice pat on the back is not what I’m looking for. Approval is great but it’s not what drives me to do the enormous amount of work that goes into a book like this, or even writing my political blogs and magazine articles. There’s much more:
I’d like to see some serious changes in both the way we see things and the way government does things.
I’d like to see people become inspired again to get involved, particularly young people who mostly don’t vote or believe that politics is worth their time and attention.
I’d like to see the cynicism about the potential for change to be replaced with genuine hope and a positive vision for the future.
I’d like to make a constructive and enduring contribution to discussions and debates, be one of the voices which injects energy and fresh ideas into the national conversation.
But then I am sometimes prompted to ask . . . what national conversation?
It seems like everyone is talking. No one is listening.
Is citizen engagement possible when so many of those we look to for leadership themselves are not engaged?
Is it possible for groups of people working together __ and there are many phenomenal, highly motivated activist organizations these days doing their best, trying to get America back on track, attempting to shape a better future for themselves and generations to come __ to force our leaders to change their ways?
Is it possible for one citizen to make a difference anymore?
Or is that just a theory?