Throw the bums out!

72% of American voters are for raising
taxes on the wealthy.

That equates to 108 million people.

76% of American voters want to cut back
on military spending.

That’s 114 million people.

72% of American voters want a federal minimum wage of $10.00 or more.

108 million people.

74% of American voters are for ending oil subsidies.

111 million people.

79% of American voters want no cuts in Social Security and Medicare.

Over 118 million people.

93% of American voters want labeling of GMOs in their food.

That’s nearly 140 million people!!

But none of this gets done!

The simple and insulting truth is that a mere 500 or so men defy the will of millions, that the very people we elect and send to Washington to create laws that protect our interests, refuse to represent us, ignore our clearly stated will on these crucial issues and many more.

They ignore “we the people” and do the bidding of “we the rich”. Until we confront these play-for-pay lapdogs, they will continue to serve a tiny elite minority of rich and powerful oligarchs and America will continue its slow but certain decline. You and I will live like beggars and America will become a Third World country.

We’ve all been appalled by recent events. We’ve watched as our government was shut down. We’ve been horrified by the fight over the debt limit. We’ve seen the systematic destruction of our democratic way of life.

So what can we do? With millions of dollars of fat cat money floating around, the voice of the regular guy has been drowned out. There has been no way to get rid of the crooks and liars. But I believe now there is.

How did that old expression go?

“Throw the bums out!”

We do this using a new, unique and powerful strategy for taking on the corrupting cancer of money in politics __ an end run around the iron grip which Wall Street, big banks and corporate oligarchs now have on our political system. This sledgehammer approach gives the 500 corporate toadies in Congress, who arrogantly sit inside the Washington DC bubble and ignore the very people who voted them into office, a simple straightforward ultimatum: Do your job and start representing “we the people” or collect your pink slip.

It’s a no-nonsense, take-no-prisoners method for cleaning up the corruption among our elected officials and putting people in office who will do our bidding. It forces the men and women we choose on election day to start taking their orders from us, instead of the deep-pocketed puppet masters who have effectively stolen our government by buying off our senators, congressmen, even our president, with huge campaign donations.

This is an election year and people are frustrated and angry. Congress started the new year at a historically low 13% approval rating.

I say we channel that frustration and anger into a unified and constructive effort to restore true representative democracy to our country.

It’s up to us. But something has to happen immediately. We are fast approaching a point of no return, beyond which the specter of a rigid totalitarian state looms. Either we replace our current legislators or they will replace our country with one we don’t recognize.

Look around. It’s already happening.

So either we rise up now in a bloodless coup at the polls or we rise up later in the streets. Revolution in the streets will not be bloodless and I suspect it won’t end well. The blatant and ruthless dismemberment of OWS was a warning.

Time to unite and act decisively.

Hopefully it’s not too late.

Sometimes truth comes from an unexpected place and from an unlikely messenger.

It doesn’t matter the source. It’s still the truth.

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