Killing Us Softly

Voting is becoming more like playing a video game. Just as when you kill an opponent in a video battle no one actually dies, when you vote on the new electronic voting machines, your vote doesn’t actually go to the candidate of your choice. It just looks like it does.

“Another vote for a right wing political hack.”

The new electronic voting machines made by Sequoia Voting Systems and Diebold have as a result of extensive laboratory tests been shown to be highly vulnerable to tampering, easily modified or reprogrammed to allow undetectable manipulation of the results. Whether by minor inexpensive alterations in the electronic circuitry or by sophisticated recoding of the software, elections are being taken out of the hands of the electorate and seized by the unscrupulous and traitorous few who would impose autocratic control and political tyranny, while preserving the illusion of democracy.

So there is a big difference between video games and this new form of voting fraud. In a video game, though heads explode and lasers cut people in half, no one really dies. But with what is going on with e-voting now, there is a victim. The victim is America, the greatest political experiment in history.

The victim is government by the people.

The victims are you and I.


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