We are sleepwalking into the greatest catastrophe in human history.
More accurately, we may be sleepwalking into the end of human history. The end of everything. Period!
Leaders in the US, NATO and the EU have openly stated they intend the Ukraine conflict to go on for a very long time. And remember, this is not about Ukraine. Zelensky is a joke, which makes sense, because he used to be a comedian. He’s perfectly qualified to be a joke. But these days he’s not funny. At all!
Russia does not want war. Russia does not want any of the animosity coming from the West. I can give hundreds of examples of Russia trying to cooperate with us. Now they’re simply fed up. They’re not going to tolerate the lies and broken promises anymore.
US and its NATO allies want to destroy Russia. That’s it in a nutshell. They have all along. Russia did not start this war. US and NATO gave Russia no alternative but to invade.
And the lunatics who are pushing for this will risk everything. They are even talking about nuclear war becoming more inevitable.
Are you getting this? Do you see where we’re headed?
We have one option: Removing these crazies from power. Appealing to them is ridiculous. They’re not listening. They don’t care what we sane and sensible people think. Period! They only know war and conquest. Now it’s destroy Russia and steal everything. Next it’s destroy China and steal everything. If we don’t all die in a nuclear holocaust, we will be in the middle of permanent war and slaughter for the next 20 years.
If there are any serious plans for stopping these maniacs, I’m not aware of them. The Peace Dividend strategy is a long shot. But as far as I can see, it’s all we have. You’ve heard the pleas emanating from the current peace movement . . . “Oh pretty please! Stop the wars. No more bombing Yemen. Bring the troops home. Let’s all be nice to one another!”
You want to see how well this will work? Try telling an anteater to stop eating ants. Next time there’s a thunderstorm, stand on your porch and yell at the clouds.
So what’s with the title? Well, I have been known to venture into sarcasm . . . at least a few times.
Truth is, I’m completely overwhelmed, underwhelmed, shocked, numb, and baffled. Thus, if everyone now being subjected to the 24/7 barrage of war propaganda, runaway inflation, food shortages, elementary school shootings, a crumbling economy, a totally inept and corrupt governing class, Covid-19 fear porn, monkeypox fear porn, now even casual talk about throwing nukes into the equation . . . yes, if everyone one night just went out into the streets, all 330 million of us, and started dancing, honestly? . . . IT WOULD COME AS NO SURPRISE!
Because THAT’S how nuts everything is these days!
But you know what? Quite honestly, it would be phenomenal to see such a show of unity — as surreal a show as it might be. Because at least for a few happy moments, or however long our little street party lasted, we wouldn’t be at each other’s throats, we’d stop the yelling and blaming and hating, and instead be showing off our best dance moves, shaking our booties, and just having a darn good time. I think it’s a great idea!
Which is my way of saying that more than ever before, we need to stand shoulder-to-shoulder, back-to-back, belly-to-belly, embrace and celebrate what we have in common, and put aside all differences that ultimately aren’t that important. We need to feel human again. We need to fully appreciate one another and understand that unified we are strong, divided we are weak and just pawns in someone else’s game, and that someone else sees us as “expendables”, just cannon fodder in wars to protect their wealth and power. We need to see who the real enemies are. Don’t be fooled by the lies. It’s not you and I that are the problem. We don’t start wars, we don’t crash the economy, we don’t loot the Treasury, we don’t jack up the contagiousness of viruses and inflict them on the rest of humankind, we don’t deprive one another of our share of the vast wealth of this country.
So getting together, whether it’s to dance, or to protest the abuses and humiliations we all endure just trying to survive, or to show up en masse at the polls and vote the pay-for-play lapdogs of the rich and powerful out of office, or to just talk to one another and try to sort out the mess our country is in — yes, getting together — is exactly what we must be doing!
It’s not just a pretty thought. Frankly it’s a matter of survival!
These wars will never end until we the people end them. Or the wars end us.
Yes, it’s that bad. And getting worse by the day.
You think I’m exaggerating? When is the last time you heard any of these blabbermouths on TV, in the media, or in government talk about … wait for it … (drumroll) … PEACE?
I rest my case.
Not long ago I came across a video that turns me into a crying old fool every time I watch it. And I won’t tell you how many times that is. It’s embarrassing and I’m surprised I’m not a dehydrated pile of talcum powder. Check it out!
First off, some things are SO BEAUTIFUL, only tears can express the total profound joy I’m feeling. Such a magnificent song, with such a powerful message! Seeing every size and shape musician, from across the globe, every color and religion and culture, come together just to make great music, to make Cat Stevens’ work of genius come alive again. Whew!
But there’s a darker side to my tears. Cat Stevens performed this the last time in America at the height of his popularity, near the end of his legendary North America tour. That was 1976. Meaning this amazing call for peace has been around for close to a half century. And look at the state the world is in. As inspiring as this masterpiece was back then, we never got on the “peace train”. Now forty-five years later. No peace train. No peace.
And that’s also something to cry about.
Life In Japan: Children’s Day
Japanese people work very hard. Long hours are the norm. At the same time, they are not averse to taking some time off to spend with family and friends. There are two extended holiday breaks, one in spring called Golden Week [ゴールデンウィーク] another at the end of summer called Obon [お盆].
Then there are the single-day holidays, fifteen in all.
I’ve written about these official holidays here in Japan before. Nothing military EVER! They celebrate everything from old people to mountains to nature to culture to the sun and ocean and the equinoxes.
The official holiday in May coincides with Golden Week. I’m referring to Children’s Day.
A holiday to celebrate children? Well . . . kids are the future. And they’re so darn cute!
I won’t attempt to offer a rationale for Children’s Day. It’s cultural thing, one that wouldn’t hurt the West to emulate. Of course, Anglo-Euro-America conjoined with the Land Down Under and that other place where they filmed Lord of the Rings, has Christmas, an orgy of excessive spending and myths about a virgin birth, a fat old man on a reindeer-powered UFO, and the health benefits of chemical and antibiotic-laced turkey or ham.
Trust me. There is no equivalency.
Just watch the below video and enjoy!