Vast numbers of voters are frustrated and angry! It’s come down to Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump? Can this be happening? These are the two most unpopular candidates in the history of presidential elections!
Of course . . . there is an excellent alternative. But understandably voters are afraid of “throwing their vote away”.
Here’s the solution: We join together in a person-to-person pledge campaign, the “I’ll vote for Jill if you will” initiative, supporting the presidential bid of Dr. Jill Stein. And together we’ll elect the first female President of the United States, one who will do a phenomenal job of putting America back on track. Here’s how . . .
Step 1: After you take the “I’ll vote for Jill if you will” personal pledge, just let us know by officially signing the petition at one of the sites listed below. (The petition reads exactly as the pledge does. We are “petitioning” every registered voter in America to join with us in rejecting the anti-democratic charade the two-party system has become.)
Step 2: You find two other people who you respect and trust — friend, neighbor, relative — let them know about Jill Stein if they don’t already, get them to take the “I’ll vote for Jill if you will” pledge, and make sure they let us know, just as you did, by going to one of the listed sites below to sign the petition.
Step 3: These two people likewise will each solicit two others to take the pledge and add their names to the growing list of pledge takers. The new ones will each find two more.
Step 4: When and only when we reach our target of 50 million pledges, we will vote for Jill Stein. Why 50 million? Because 50 million voters will guarantee a victory by plurality for Jill, thus we will all know with absolute certainty we’re not throwing our votes away, that indeed our votes will go toward electing a great president!
50 million may seem like an impossible goal. But it’s all in the math. If one person tells two about this tomorrow, then the following day those two each tell two more, and so on and so on, how many days does it take to get to 50 million?
The answer might surprise you. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 . . . believe it or not, in ONLY 27 DAYS, we’ll have 67,108,864 pledges! (Go here for a full explanation.)
It’s the power of numbers!
It’s the power of people!
It’s the power of joining together and declaring: NO MORE LESSER EVIL VOTING!
Remember, there’s nothing at risk here. We honor the “I’ll vote for Jill if you will” pledge only if we get to our goal.
On the other hand, there’s an awful lot at stake . . . a better America for ourselves and our children!
It’s up to you.
Take the pledge. Let us know by signing at one of the petition sites. Then have two others take the pledge. Make sure they go to the petition sites as well. Here are the sites:
Sign at . . .
Sign at . . .
Or sign at . . .
Sorry, Hillary and Donald. The people will have spoken.
We intend to celebrate Dr. Jill Stein as the 45th President of the United States!
The Hands-Down Ultimate Super-Bowl of Showdowns!
Here it is!
The one you’ve been waiting for.
It’s going to be the battle of the ages!
Nothing like this has ever occurred in the history of the world.
Yes, folks . . . it’s a showdown that will reverberate till the end of time!
No, they’ll never stop talking about this head-to-head clash of the greatest titans EVER!
Are you ready to rumble?!!
Have you got your seat belts fastened?
Are you wearing your rubber diapers?
In this corner, coming off two decades of undefeated combat with environmentalists and eco-scientists, teary-eyed tree huggers, Al Gore, and other addled acolytes of Gaia . . .
And its opponent, veteran of decades of terror struck into the hearts of citizens across the globe, a warrior whose very name evokes visions of untold horror and suffering . . .
Which one will exit the battle triumphant, its opponent curled up in a fetal ball, savaged, humiliated, beaten by the overwhelming power and pitiless cunning of brutal competition?
Remember . . . This is a fight to the finish!
This is serious business, ladies and gentlemen! As in . . . DEAD SERIOUS!
Only one of these ferocious fighters will lay claim to the ULTIMATE TITLE, and be able to say with the blood lust pride of a true warrior, a barbarian who embraces no moderation, a heartless amoral killer who knows no rules, feels no compassion, and has no conscience:
“It was I who destroyed the human race!”
Will it be Climate Change turning the Earth into an uninhabitable pile of dust, dead fields of dried withered stalks, rotting corpses, extinct species, desiccating trees and shrubs — a barren wasteland where cockroaches frantically skitter looking for something to eat?
Or will it be Nuclear War turning the Earth into a radioactive pile of dust, dead fields of dried withered stalks, rotting corpses, extinct species, desiccating trees and shrubs — a barren wasteland where cockroaches frantically skitter looking for something to eat?
OH YEAH, BABY! This is going to be truly awesome!
So stay tuned, folks. Watch this battle AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT!
And remember. You can only get it here, exclusively on . . .
The Apocalypse Channel!