S = Steal
And yes, the insatiable moguls of the big banks and ravenous Oberführers of the multinational corporations love it!
We’re talking about people who don’t live and think like most of us. For these folks, ‘more’ is never a question. It’s an answer! The only answer.
When the economy crashed in 2008, largely the result of an orgy of speculation and gross distortion of the investment market by the greed of these banksters and corporate hustlers, they were more than happy to line up to plunder the Federal Reserve to the tune of $16 trillion dollars. Why not? Money was like manna falling from the heavens into the accounts of major banks all over the world, so that their addiction to casino capitalism could continue without a pause and set us up for the next catastrophic meltdown.
Besides outright theft of fiat money in the form of capitalization subsidies, at another level the plunder takes the form of a lot of acronyms — NAFTA, CAFTA, TPP, TTIP, TISA — and the gutting of any regulatory oversight. These so-called “free trade” deals just lubricate the wheels for transferring the wealth and political control from the vast majority of citizens — the ones who actually work a living, producing things of practical value, products which are markedly more substantial and less diabolical than debt leveraging, collateralization, privatization, and monetization — to the already ultra-wealthy, ultra-powerful elite.
What will they come up with next?
Corporate greed and plutocratic avarice apparently knows no limits. As if exporting our jobs to sweat shops in China and Bangladesh putting millions of American workers on the streets; gutting our manufacturing base by shuttering 50,000 factories; pursuing hostile takeovers to gain market share and even monopoly control; promoting predatory lending and liars loans to ravage families and small businesses; destroying unions and driving wages down to the point that a person can’t survive any longer working a 40-hour work week; yes, as if abusing the enormous resources and financial power of corporations and their brothers in crime, the Wall Street banks, to relegate the average individual during the long working years of his or her life to the status of a serf weren’t enough, now the rich are coming after the elderly. Giving 45 years of your life to serving the “man” no longer means you are allowed to live a decent, comfortable life in your retirement years. These criminals are now after employee pension funds. And because any big pile of money is targeted for a P.S. I Love You blitzkrieg, regardless of who it rightfully belongs to, since 1985 using their pay-for-play puppets in Congress they have been raiding the Social Security trust fund. Did you get that? TRUST FUND, as in the fund of all of our accumulated contributions toward retirement, set properly aside and protected so that the money would not be used for anything else. All the money is gone now. It funded wars, bail-outs, every variety of corporate welfare and fiduciary abuse which has become standard operating procedure. The money the old folks in retirement homes in good faith paid into Social Security over their lives is just another asset for exploitation.
Just so you aren’t deluded into thinking that the mountains of money stolen via all of the unprincipled, anti-social, anti-democratic, coldly callous and cruel instruments of wealth extraction the ultra-rich have ruthlessly applied in the past is ever enough, consider this:
Over the past several years, while poverty rates in America continue to increase, while real wages have barely risen and many are forced to work two or three jobs just to make ends meet, using a rather innocent-sounding device called quantitative easing, $3.5 trillion has been created out of thin air and made available to investment banks and our too-big-to-fail menagerie of casino capitalists.
Is there anyone out there who could use $10,000? How about $1,000?
Actually, $500 would be a big deal for most of us.
Of course, none of the $3.5 trillion trickled down to you and I — I assume this is not being read by hedge fund CEOs or any other members of the exclusive .1% club — au contraire! Instead, it trickled up!
A lot of it found its way into offshore accounts and tax havens.
Plundered . . . stolen . . . socked away.
For what?
More yachts? More vacation homes? More private jets?
What else can they possibly buy?
Patience now! Give them time.
Spending trillions of dollars is not easy.
It takes time and energy.
Arrogance and myopia.
Unfeeling and irrepressible selfishness.
A sense of entitlement and a disdain for the less fortunate.
Callousness, irresponsibility and a total lack of decency and compassion.
Fortunately for the rich, they won’t have to plunder and steal to get these.
They already have them in great abundance.
The Hands-Down Ultimate Super-Bowl of Showdowns!
Here it is!
The one you’ve been waiting for.
It’s going to be the battle of the ages!
Nothing like this has ever occurred in the history of the world.
Yes, folks . . . it’s a showdown that will reverberate till the end of time!
No, they’ll never stop talking about this head-to-head clash of the greatest titans EVER!
Are you ready to rumble?!!
Have you got your seat belts fastened?
Are you wearing your rubber diapers?
In this corner, coming off two decades of undefeated combat with environmentalists and eco-scientists, teary-eyed tree huggers, Al Gore, and other addled acolytes of Gaia . . .
And its opponent, veteran of decades of terror struck into the hearts of citizens across the globe, a warrior whose very name evokes visions of untold horror and suffering . . .
Which one will exit the battle triumphant, its opponent curled up in a fetal ball, savaged, humiliated, beaten by the overwhelming power and pitiless cunning of brutal competition?
Remember . . . This is a fight to the finish!
This is serious business, ladies and gentlemen! As in . . . DEAD SERIOUS!
Only one of these ferocious fighters will lay claim to the ULTIMATE TITLE, and be able to say with the blood lust pride of a true warrior, a barbarian who embraces no moderation, a heartless amoral killer who knows no rules, feels no compassion, and has no conscience:
“It was I who destroyed the human race!”
Will it be Climate Change turning the Earth into an uninhabitable pile of dust, dead fields of dried withered stalks, rotting corpses, extinct species, desiccating trees and shrubs — a barren wasteland where cockroaches frantically skitter looking for something to eat?
Or will it be Nuclear War turning the Earth into a radioactive pile of dust, dead fields of dried withered stalks, rotting corpses, extinct species, desiccating trees and shrubs — a barren wasteland where cockroaches frantically skitter looking for something to eat?
OH YEAH, BABY! This is going to be truly awesome!
So stay tuned, folks. Watch this battle AS IF YOUR LIFE DEPENDED ON IT!
And remember. You can only get it here, exclusively on . . .
The Apocalypse Channel!