Robert Scheer at Truthdig treats us to an oft-recurring refrain in his impassioned pleas for sanity and common sense. I’ve heard it a number of times in the many fascinating interviews I’ve heard of this brilliant, inspiring journalist.
Here it is . . .
“What happens to these people?”
What happened to Colin Powell?
He ruined a sterling reputation and destroyed his historical legacy by lying at the U.N. — with the whole world watching — about WMDs in Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of people died so he could make his boss, George W. Bush, proud of him. Tragic on so many levels.
Here’s a good one: What happened to Dick Cheney?
This is the man behind the curtain, personally responsible for more chaos and carnage than anyone since Richard Nixon murdered 3 million people in Vietnam and Cambodia. This is really mind-boggling! Watch him explain in 1994 why we should not destroy Iraq and topple Saddam Hussein.
Okay, Cheney is a psychopath. So we can’t expect consistency, much less common sense.
But what happened to Samantha Power?
She is an example of someone who has truly made the transition to the dark side.
She wrote a book on the “responsibility to protect” or R2P, as the convenient acronym goes. It was called A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide, and won a Pulitzer Prize. However, this once noble framework and call for responsible, moral action is now the neocon public relations weapon of choice to bomb and destroy any country that has the audacity to disagree with America’s corporate imperial ambitions. Power herself has become a neocon war monger, who rails incessantly at any national leader or country who stands in the way of America’s march to world hegemony.
R2P now equals L2K — license to kill.
“What happens to these people?”
I think I can answer that. But I’m not going to waste my time. Because . . .
You know what?
I don’t really care what happens to any of these people. Not any more than I care exactly how a dog contracted rabies. When the animal is frothing at the mouth, howling, leaping in the air, snapping at everything in sight, out of its mind and posing a danger to everyone — children, old folks, anyone innocently strolling by — there’s only one immediate concern, and one sensible action. We need to do something before someone gets hurt.
I’m not proposing shooting these people. But they do need to be isolated before they do any more harm to others. They need to be called out, driven out, shut out, exiled from public life. They must be removed from positions of power before anyone else gets hurt.
“What happens to these people?”
I know what should happen to them.
No more pulling punches. No more political correctness or obsequious politeness.
We don’t behead here in America. But we certainly do eviscerate public figures — vilify and assassinate them in the public forums, villainize, quarantine them, ridicule and demonize them personally, mock and marginalize their messages. Usually it’s the good, decent ones, citizens and public servants who take their duty to their country seriously and are guided by genuine moral concerns and driven by selfless and magnanimous agendas — people like Don Siegelman, Edward Snowden, Dennis Kucinich, Chelsea Manning, John Kiriakou — who take this kind of heat.
Time to turn the tables and call out the real enemies of America.
These people have made a sham of what this country stands for, lie and deceive the citizenry about the real agenda behind their faux-noble ideas, rationalize and obfuscate the horrifying consequences of their actions.
We’ll start with Samantha Power. Her book, brimming with noble intentions, has morphed into a foreign policy brimming with lethal weapons. She truly is a traitor to both herself and us.
We should show no more mercy toward her than she and her homicidal accomplices have the hundreds of thousands they’ve murdered, in the name of “responsibility to protect”.
There should be no haven. Wherever this violent, disingenuous shrew appears publicly — and even where possible privately — everyone should be reminded she is a murderer and a war criminal. When the outcries and collective revulsion sufficiently compounds and she is rendered totally ineffective and discredited, she will be toppled from her pulpit as the former ambassador to the U.N. and the chances of survival for those who she now “protects” will be increased exponentially.
Rot in Hell Samantha Power! You’ve killed enough people.
Make snuff movies or become a mercenary sniper.
Either is a perfect match for your CV.
Peace is as American as . . . ?
Yes, there was an anti-war movement in the late 60s, early 70s.
But it was an anti-war movement . . . specific to one particular war.
The Vietnam War.
Because young people — I was the perfect age and in the thick of it — didn’t want to get blown away in some rice paddy in some country in Asia they could barely find on a map.
It’s was survival. Demonstrate. Burn your draft cards.
Stay alive!
To be in principle for peace means you are values-driven.
But Americans for the most part are results-driven.
Get the job done. Get the job done right. Miller time.
Which troublingly is a short leap to “the ends justify the means”.
To see how that works out, just ask the survivors of Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki.
Ask the citizens of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Kosovo, Yemen.
Get the job done. Get it done right. Watch the Super Bowl.
Peace is a warm and fuzzy idea. It’s something you can wriggle right up to, get all friendly, pinch its cute little cheeks, coddle it like a newborn, smile for the camera.
Yes, peace is really awesome!
As long as you don’t have to be peaceful.
Therein lies the conundrum.
America likes to kick ass! It’s our way or the highway.
It’s our way or you better head for a bomb shelter, mofo!
America is tough. You know where America stands.
America wears its temperament on its sleeve.
It open-carries its guns . . . fair warning.
Don’t even think about it!
Fuck with me and you’re dead meat!
Doesn’t exactly sound like fertile ground for a peace movement, eh?
Simple and attractive.
Make a great tattoo. Charm bracelet. Bumper sticker.
They’re compact, symmetrical.
Blend in nicely anywhere.