President Obama said the following publicly at a fundraiser, poking fun at criticism of him by the Republican candidates during their first debate.
(You can watch the video here. Quote occurs around 4:48.)
“Have you noticed that everyone of these candidates say, ‘Obama is weak. Putin is kicking sand in his face. When I talk to Putin he is going to straighten out. Just looking at him. He is going to be . . .’ And then, it turns out they can’t handle a bunch of CNBC moderators.”
We’ve come to expect this sort of cuteness from this charming man, who seems to think his role as a comedian trumps his responsibilities as the most powerful leader of the free world, whatever ‘free’ could possibly mean in this age of 24/7 surveillance. This remark, while entertaining and clever, is instructive in many ways. It says a lot about Obama as a man, that despite his air of constant cool, he is vulnerable even to the cheap shots of fools like the Republican candidates, and that he personalizes the challenges which America’s role in international relations presents. It’s been very obvious to me for a long time that Obama perceives his differences with Putin as a schoolyard scrap, rather than a profound confrontation of ideas and alternative actions. It seems to escape him that in our dealings with Russia, we are attempting to balance the national interests of two equally important and determined peoples, not fighting over who’s going to be quarterback of the football team or who gets to take out the homecoming queen on a date.
That he uses the most visible public podium in the world to level cheap shots at Putin, personal insults unworthy of a street thug, much less President of the United States, is both dangerous and counter-productive. He has squandered a ton of good will tendered by Mr. Putin. Certainly a lesser man than Vladimir would have long ago written off Obama as a childish dilettante. But as we’ve observed at the G-20 meeting, he keeps insisting that he is open to cooperation and constructive engagement whenever the U.S. decides to stop pouting over its humiliation in Syria, and its horribly misguided and murderous actions in the Middle East now being judged by the world as the shameful disgrace they are.
On an entirely different level, in broad strokes it says even more about what is wrong with America’s entire world view, its self-sabotaging foreign policy, and its reckless insensitivity to the havoc and hardship we as a nation inflict on the world, all while beating our chests about our duty and entitlement as leader of all humankind to celebrate a new historic Age of American Splendor and Enlightened Empire.
However, lately we’ve seen an even more baffling dynamic playing out. We have on one hand, the bellicose, dangerously provocative hyperventilating of Ashton Carter, Samantha Powers, and the Devil Woman herself, Victoria Nuland (the scary creature pictured here).
Carter lumps Russia in with ISIS as the greatest threat to America, Nuland blames the Syria conflict, the refugee crisis, the Ukraine, and probably her clogged kitchen drain on Putin, the increasingly shrill Samantha Powers (see photo at the head of this article) is the MICs best friend with her mad R2P obsession, putting her in Guinness Record territory for the number of countries she would bomb into peaceful mourning . . . do I have to go on? If you watch the news programs, you get pounded with the insane rants of these saber-rattling war hawks. So you know.
At the same time, our Dr. Jekyll-Mr. Hyde president steps into a phone booth, does a quick costume-change ala Superman, and becomes Mr. Diplomacy, all ready to do the right thing and actually start fighting terrorism in earnest. This is, of course, after he’s wasted three years bombing camels and sheep dip in the desert, while caravans of white SUVs stretching as far as the eye can see, glide by on their way into Iraq and Syria, full of weapons provided at least in part by the CIA, paid for by our allies, smuggled in through Turkey, or air-dropped by the U.S. itself.
What is this, the diplomatic version of good-cop/bad-cop?
Maybe it’s the reincarnation of the Keystone Cops.
Why does anyone trust any of these people?
Yet here we see Obama, off in a corner, having a nice talk at the G-20 meeting with Putin, the same man he mocked and vilified both during his State of the Union address, and more recently with the eyes of the entire world watching at the United Nations. How cozy. How convenient.
Why does Putin still intimate that Russia is open to working with America, when time in and time out, America has proven it is entirely unreliable, lacking any concept or intent of dealing with others in good faith? It negotiates treaties, then violates or walks away from them. It grandstands, teetering like a circus clown on the high moral ground of dubious self-proclaimed righteousness, while destroying countries, inflicting unprecedented levels of chaos and carnage, at the same time preparing for a major war with China or Russia, maybe both. Is this hypocrisy, confusion, or just stupidity?
Moreover, why should we as U.S. citizens for a second believe that Obama and the motley collection of people HE CHOSE TO SURROUND HIMSELF WITH are at all sincere about engaging Russia — and of course the countries in Europe we have flooded with refugees by bombing the Middle East for two decades now — in a serious discussion about a peaceful resolution to this mess? Which one of these blowhards are we even supposed to listen to? Talk about mixed messages. This administration is at war with itself!
So what are we to do now? Get our hopes up that things are turning around? That policy makers have finally woken up and are ready to put things right?
Then again, what choice do we have?
Wait until after the next election to see which psychopath will lead the charge?
I guess we need to take stock and count our blessings. Maybe personally, I should commit to being a dutiful patriot by firmly resolving to respect Mr. Obama and honor his service as our president . . . to our country . . . and to the world.
After all, he’s the best smart-ass money can buy.
And as war criminals go, the guy can sure yuk it up!
Squeak . . . woof . . . meow . . . tweet
I’m now at over 7,000 tweets and I can’t say anything much in my life has changed, except I’m a little older, and perhaps more convinced that the human race is irreversibly beyond redemption. It’s increasingly evident that it’s just a matter of time before we are overwhelmed by our own irrelevance and dissipate like cigarette ash in a typhoon.
But this is the time of the year to gaze back with weepy sentimentality and try to milk the last twelve months for everything good and wonderful. Thus I will try to look on the bright side of the hundreds of hours I’ve spent trying to be clever and witty, in order to attract the attention of the ADHD Twitter community.
Not that this justifies the enormous squander, or represents anything like a reward for all of this pointless effort, I will say I have mastered the art of the text bite. After spending all of my life aspiring to both a deep appreciation of and a level of adroitness with my mother tongue, I have traitorously spurned the English language as a tool for profundity, majesty, nuance, beauty, splendor, power, discovery, insight, grace, and learned to say something — albeit of highly dubious value — using only 140 characters. I don’t know if I should weep and hang my head in shame, or puff up my chest, hook my thumbs in my imaginary blue suspenders, and smile as if conclusive proof has finally just been made public, that yes indeed, Hillary Clinton is a man, as I’ve been saying all along.
Whatever the case, some of my 140 character compositions have done better than others. ‘Done’ means gained acceptance, even acclaim. So here, based on how many times they were “retweeted” or “favorited”, are some of the more popular verbal excretions that I oozed into the swirling torrent of Twitter burble over the past year.
To a hammer everything looks like a thumb.
There are many roads to the truth but they all end up in the same place.
A candid look at a day in the life of a writer.
Creating memorable characters.
Writing poetry.
Canadians are scary!
“Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog, it’s too dark to read.” Groucho Marx
Rationalization is the evil step-brother of rationality.
These arrived without my consulting a burning bush.
Broccoli Is Free Speech and Tractors Are Persons.
From Bill To Hillary With Love
The boycott of my new novel is a 100% success.
Eat your heart out Marcel Proust. Bleccch!
No one drowns or is decapitated.
No diseased spider monkeys.
In this novel, S&M is a thrift store.
Water boarding is not surfing.
No can of beer left behind.
Detroit…where attitude means survival.
Stoicism is not the same as a coma.
No vampire breath spores.
No faeries or zombie debutantes.
No injectable transgendering nano-robots.
No neural-net proto-spiders from outer space.
No secret covens of neo-Nazi Wiccan cheerleaders.
No self-assembling world-destroying kitchen appliances.
No Angelina Jolie doppelgängers.
I actually thought my book was a pile of garbage.
What is it about men? What is it about women?
“11 – 11 – 11”
I write trivial garbage to clutter the world with nonsense.
Makes great kindling for your Kindle!
Great deal! Only .00001031 cents per word! Less than the price of one of Kim Kardashian’s brain cells.
Unclutter your mind. Pulp fiction as a brain laxative.
“12 – 12 – 12”
If I get 1,000,000 likes for my video, I win a lifetime supply of kettle corn!
If I get 1,000,000 likes for my video I win two front row seats at a Carly Rae Jepsen concert!
Life is what you make it, with what you can manage to borrow.
Coming to a bathroom wall near you.
Everything makes sense except when it doesn’t.
Even when the cookie crumbles, you can still eat the crumbs.
“Blinders Keepers” is to politics what macrame is to string theory.
The greatest work of literature since Valley of the Dolls!
Blessed are the blissfully blank.
There is strength in numbers and only weakness in apathy.
The fool hears silence where the wise man beholds the roar of an epiphany.
This is the stuff people thought was worthy of the 7 milliseconds of time it took for them to point and click their approval? Granted, some of it is cute.
Nevertheless, I’ve arrived at a profound epiphany in terms of social media.
I just don’t get it.