I have been saying for some time that the U.S. wants a war with Russia.
Why? Because if it can cut Russia down to size, then the only country standing between America and total global domination is China. China and Russia have been cozying up lately. Together they are a formidable threat. Take out Russia, China becomes a manageable opponent. That’s how the theory goes.
Let’s cut to recent events.
Terrorist attack in Paris. Refugee crisis escalates in Europe. Russia is on the job offering serious opposition to ISIL. France and other European countries are finally talking about working cooperatively with Russia to defeat ISIS.
French Prime Minister Hollande is scheduled to meet in the next few days with Putin to put their heads together and coordinate their military campaigns against the terrorists.
Turkey blows a Russian fighter jet out of the sky. Its F-16 were laying in wait. Probably the Russian fighter never crossed into Turkish air space. Even if it did, it was even by Turkey’s own admission only allegedly in Turkish territory for 17 seconds.
In any case, blam! . . . down goes the plane.
IMMEDIATELY, Turkey turns to NATO — America’s proxy fighters — to obtain unanimous support and approval for its unquestionably reprehensible deed.
Because under the terms of the NATO agreement, if any nation belonging to the alliance is attacked, it is regarded as an attack on all members and they must then fight together as a unified force against the alleged aggressor.
Are you seeing now how this works?
Russia had without any reasonable or legal justification one of its planes shot down.
Understandably, Putin has publicly announced that from this point forward, it will defend itself against any threat to its forces in Syria. It now has a naval ship in the area with the deadly S-300 air defense system, and is sending the even more effective S-400 air defense system to the Syrian base in Latakia.
If Russia shoots back in defense under any real or perceived threat — like Turkish F-16s or Turkish ground defense locking Russian planes with target seeking radar — in theory all of NATO must oppose it.
Merry Christmas Ashton Carter, Victoria Nuland, and all of the other loathsome, wicked, hate-filled, neocon warmongers in our government. Yeah, you get your big war, just like you wanted.
You don’t think Mr. Peace Prize Prez is playing a role in this provocative and extremely dangerous scenario? Right after the plane was shot down, Obama expressed no criticism of Turkey. Instead, he asserted that “Turkey, like every country, has a right to defend its territory and its airspace.” Moreover, it is implausible that Turkey did this without either the knowledge or prompting of the U.S. government. Understand that Obama has been on board with the Pax Americana imperialist program of conquest for most of his presidency. If not, how can you justify his precipitating and lying about the crisis in Ukraine. How else can you interpret the buildup of troops right on Russia’s borders, a direct provocation and chest-beating flaunting of our military power? How else can you explain his unnecessary, counter-productive pivot to Asia, a publicly announced strategy for “containing” China?
Now the holiday season is upon us. We’ll all be enjoying the cheer, the time together with family and friends, exchanging gifts, playing Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly, Risk, Scrabble, Candyland and Boggle.
Just so you know, while you’re having all sorts of innocent fun, here we have the lethal game our crazed leadership is playing.
But this particular game is not fun for the whole family.
War games will mean fewer members of your family to enjoy the holiday season next year.
Press Release: National Council on Political Correctness
We are overjoyed at our recent success in getting Adventures of Huckleberry Finn banned from a Philadelphia school district. This overrated piece of racist trash by the self-indulgent literary hack, Mark Twain, deserves to be consigned to lining the bottom of a bird cage.
However, we are now privy to additional previously undetected attempts to subvert all of us, particularly the youth of this country, actually recruiting them while they’re young and impressionable into the ways of “gay sex” — though to be quite honest about it we can’t figure out how persons of the same gender rubbing their private parts together is in any way joyful.
Look at any biology book. What is the human species called? Homo sapiens! Well we really need to ask: If we’re HOMO sapiens, how did there get to be more than 7 billion of us? The council recently recommended that this term be replaced with hetero sapiens — as God intended it.
There are related sneak attacks. How about ‘HOMOgeneous’? Right! They slipped that in when we weren’t looking! The council is now deciding whether to replace this hideous bit of deviant brainwashing with either ‘sameogeneous’ or ‘uniformogeneous’.
It’s not just in the classroom that our children are being seduced into the evil cults of buggery and carpet munching.
What do they drink every day during lunch? HOMOgenized milk! Can you believe this? These perverts will stop at nothing! The council recommends replacing this phrase on all labels with the pleasant-sounding and benign ‘blendogenized milk’.
This conspiracy has spread like a silent disease through our whole culture. What about the word ‘ANALysis’? Pretty clever, eh? The council is in the process of replacing this hideous subversion of God’s perfect plan for proper sexual behavior. Leading the alternative terms currently under consideration are ‘examinalysis’ and ‘cogitalysis’. We’ll keep you posted.
Here’s one for the books. This bit of slime nearly got by us. What are apartment units which are sold for personal ownership called? CONDOMiniums! Can you believe it?
Granted, it’s pretty clever. Now personally, I’m for these fudgepackers covering their junk however they can — never know who’s standing next to you taking a wiz in the public john — but I sure as heck don’t want to be reminded of the sick shenanigans that goes on using these love gloves every time I drive down the street. Now every time I see one of “those” buildings, I can only picture rooms brimming with gallons of sperm.
There are countless other examples we could share. This press release, specifically timed for the most sacred holiday season of the year, is just to let all you good, God-fearing folks out there that we are, and certainly will continue to be, on the job stamping out decadence and perversion — particularly this new trend of “same sex” coupling — wherever we find it.
Remember . . . PC doesn’t just mean Politically Correct. It also stands for Personal Christ!
God bless you and God bless America!