We have been ripped off!
We have been lied to, manipulated, and frightened into supporting the largest theft of our hard-earned taxpayer dollars ever — easily the biggest heist in the history of the entire world.
If you buy a hair drier or a fruit blender at a store, then when you get home and find out it doesn’t work, what do you do? You go back and get a refund.
It’s broken.
You deserve your money back.
Well . . . it’s the same deal with wasteful government spending.
We paid our taxes in good faith. We trusted our political leaders to do the right things, to put it to good and proper use.
But they lied to us.
And we didn’t just get a defective fruit blender or broken hair drier. We got defective wars, defective military equipment, defective leadership. We got a defective economy where only the rich do well and for the rest of us, it’s broken. The con artists we elected to office took our money, sometimes under false pretenses, and wasted it. We now have broken bridges, broken roads, broken schools, broken communities, broken homes!
In my previous two blogs, here and here, I railed against the enormous waste of taxpayer money on defense-industry profiteering, boondoggles, and the pursuit of unnecessary and fraudulent wars.
By my calculations, since 1992, over 24 years of bloated defense budgets resulting from bad foreign policy decisions, psychopathic delusions of world domination, two major wars, paranoid obsession with security which has trashed the Constitution and is well on its way to making America a police state, and pork barrel squandering of hard-earned taxpayer dollars, I came up with a total of $4.82 trillion entirely wasted.
$4.82 trillion, folks!
Look at this and try not to faint or have your head explode . . .
All this time, we regular Americans — the ones that don’t belong to country clubs — could have used this money. If we had had this $4.82 trillion, we wouldn’t be so far in debt, we wouldn’t be struggling from paycheck to paycheck. We wouldn’t have so many foreclosures and bankruptcies. We would have put this money to good use: Improving our homes and communities, properly feeding and clothing our kids, modernizing our schools.
Yes, we’ve been had. Big time!
And there it is in black-and-white — with some green and purple thrown in for cheer.
Americans got a defective product. We were cheated and conned.
Now the bill has come due.
This comes to $14,952 for every man, woman and child in America.
Or it means refunding $26,788 to each and every living person who filed a tax return in the last twenty-four years.
Either way you look at it, this money is due and payable . . . IMMEDIATELY!
And don’t tell us the check is in the mail. We want to see some green!
Just load up all those MRAPs and other military trucks roaming around everywhere these days with some cash and start going house-to-house.
For the NSA clowns that are reading this blog and unconstitutionally spying on me, please do me a huge favor and pass along the above invoice to President Obama and Secretary of the Treasury, Jack Lew. Please mark it ‘Urgent’. We expect to see some prompt action.
Write on the envelope . . .
You’ve had OUR MONEY long enough.
People are getting real IMPATIENT.
You stole it. Now give it back!
If this refund is not in the hands of every deserving American citizen very soon, I suspect a lot of people are going to get real testy. I don’t know how many pitchforks there are, but I do know there are over 300,000,000 guns floating around.
Just sayin’.
Yes, we want our country back.
Of course, we want our democracy back.
But for starters . . .
We want our money back!
“We want our money back!”
We have been lied to, manipulated, and frightened into supporting the largest theft of our hard-earned taxpayer dollars ever — easily the biggest heist in the history of the entire world.
If you buy a hair drier or a fruit blender at a store, then when you get home and find out it doesn’t work, what do you do? You go back and get a refund.
It’s broken.
You deserve your money back.
Well . . . it’s the same deal with wasteful government spending.
We paid our taxes in good faith. We trusted our political leaders to do the right things, to put it to good and proper use.
But they lied to us.
And we didn’t just get a defective fruit blender or broken hair drier. We got defective wars, defective military equipment, defective leadership. We got a defective economy where only the rich do well and for the rest of us, it’s broken. The con artists we elected to office took our money, sometimes under false pretenses, and wasted it. We now have broken bridges, broken roads, broken schools, broken communities, broken homes!
In my previous two blogs, here and here, I railed against the enormous waste of taxpayer money on defense-industry profiteering, boondoggles, and the pursuit of unnecessary and fraudulent wars.
By my calculations, since 1992, over 24 years of bloated defense budgets resulting from bad foreign policy decisions, psychopathic delusions of world domination, two major wars, paranoid obsession with security which has trashed the Constitution and is well on its way to making America a police state, and pork barrel squandering of hard-earned taxpayer dollars, I came up with a total of $4.82 trillion entirely wasted.
$4.82 trillion, folks!
Look at this and try not to faint or have your head explode . . .
Yes, we’ve been had. Big time!
And there it is in black-and-white — with some green and purple thrown in for cheer.
Americans got a defective product. We were cheated and conned.
Now the bill has come due.
This comes to $14,952 for every man, woman and child in America.
Or it means refunding $26,788 to each and every living person who filed a tax return in the last twenty-four years.
Either way you look at it, this money is due and payable . . . IMMEDIATELY!
And don’t tell us the check is in the mail. We want to see some green!
Just load up all those MRAPs and other military trucks roaming around everywhere these days with some cash and start going house-to-house.
For the NSA clowns that are reading this blog and unconstitutionally spying on me, please do me a huge favor and pass along the above invoice to President Obama and Secretary of the Treasury, Jack Lew. Please mark it ‘Urgent’. We expect to see some prompt action.
Write on the envelope . . .
You’ve had OUR MONEY long enough.
People are getting real IMPATIENT.
You stole it. Now give it back!
If this refund is not in the hands of every deserving American citizen very soon, I suspect a lot of people are going to get real testy. I don’t know how many pitchforks there are, but I do know there are over 300,000,000 guns floating around.
Just sayin’.
Yes, we want our country back.
Of course, we want our democracy back.
But for starters . . .
We want our money back!