While I disagree with Bernie Sanders on a host of important policy issues, I will certainly give credit where it’s due.
The man admirably has raised the awareness of the American public on critical challenges to the American way of life — like income inequality, corporate malfeasance, the plundering of the working and middle classes by Wall Street and the 1%, the corruption of our democracy by the Citizens United decision and unprecedented influx of money into electoral politics.
There is now real talk of major reform. The word “revolution” is being floated.
Perhaps more laudably, Sanders has said that the movement fueled by his presidential campaign must go on with or without him. If he is drummed out of the election by the Machiavellian apparatus of the Democratic Party, or if he loses to Trump or Cruz or which ever imbecile the Republicans nominate, we shouldn’t give up. We must fight on for what he stands for and for the vision of America he has presented.
Bravo! This is excellent advice.
But let me make a point I’ve made repeatedly to a deafening silence. Even if Bernie does win, we must fight for what he stands for and the vision of America he has presented, and this fight goes way beyond just getting him into the White House.
Translation: If Obama with majorities of both houses of Congress on his side couldn’t get anything “revolutionary” done, with the current complexion of the House and Senate what chance does a Sanders presidency have? (I really don’t want to get into why Obama failed. I have my own rather extreme take on that. It’s not relevant. My point is still valid.)
Let me also offer my solution.
Let me offer it as a challenge to all of you Bernie supporters, because I know you are way above average intelligence, well-read and versed in history, informed and armed with a deeper understanding of the realities of our political system.
If you folks are really feeling the Bern, then you need to build on your enthusiasm and support for Bernie and take it to a whole new level. This means transforming Congress into something allied with and totally supportive of the “Bernie Sanders revolution”.
This accords with his entire vision for remaking America, is true to the selfless spirit of his campaign, and assures genuine progress — WITH OR WITHOUT HIM!
If he gets elected, he gets a Congress he can work with.
If he doesn’t get elected, the thrust and wisdom of his vision continues, promoted by those leading the charge in our legislative bodies.
So here’s the plan.
District by district, state by state, we give an ultimatum to every single candidate running for Congress in the 2016 election. Every single candidate for the House and Senate.
If you’re with Bernie, you get our votes.
If you’re against Bernie, you don’t.
And if you’re against Bernie, we’ll find someone else — independent, Green Party, greeter at Walmart, homeless guy on a freeway ramp.
Am I being clear here?
Now we get to the nuts-and-bolts. And I sincerely apologize for this article being so long. But I can’t fashion this into a short and snappy meme.
As just explained above, we set up a showdown — a line in the sand. We confront every candidate in the 2016 federal election with a simple, easily-grasped choice.
“You’re either with us or against us.”
How do we do that?
We give them a contract to sign.
Either they sign it and get our vote.
Or they don’t sign it and they don’t get our vote.
This is how you reform the Democratic Party or get the scum out of the running!
Here’s the contract.
(Note: This is written for a candidate campaigning for the House of Representatives. Obviously, it can easily be reconfigured for a Senatorial candidate.)
I, [Name of Candidate], if elected to a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, hereby commit to sponsor and vote in favor of legislation for all of the following:
- Raising the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour.
- Reforming tax regulations to stop corporations from shifting their profits and jobs overseas to avoid paying U.S. income taxes.
- Establishing a progressive estate tax on the top 0.3 percent of Americans who inherit more than $3.5 million.
- Enacting a transaction tax on Wall Street speculative trading.
- Investing $1 trillion over five years towards rebuilding our crumbling roads, bridges, railways, airports, public transit systems, ports, dams, wastewater plants, and other infrastructure needs.
- Creating 1 million jobs for disadvantaged young Americans by investing $5.5 billion in a youth jobs program.
- Making tuition free at public colleges and universities throughout America.
- Expanding Social Security by lifting the cap on taxable income above $250,000.
- Increase benefits by at least 10% for all eligible recipients.
- Establishing healthcare as a right of citizenship by enacting a Medicare for all single-payer healthcare system.
- Requiring employers to provide at least 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave; two weeks of paid vacation; and 7 days of paid sick days.
- Enacting a universal childcare and prekindergarten program.
- Making it easier for workers to join unions by fighting for the Employee Free Choice Act.
- Breaking up huge financial institutions so that they are no longer too big to fail.
I will not resist, discourage, or in any manner put up an impediment to, and in fact will publicly and on the floor of the House of Representatives actively promote, any and all legislation in support of these measures. If no other legislator comes forth to propose such individual pieces of legislation, I will create and introduce by my own initiative, within 90 days of taking office, legislative acts for all of the foregoing, for consideration by Congress.
I further understand and fully agree to the following: If I violate the above-stated terms of this agreement, I will tender on the 91st day after taking the oath of office for my legislative seat, my full and unqualified resignation from this elected position. Moreover, within one year of my resignation, I will refund all contributions made by individual donors in support of my candidacy for this office.
This entire agreement constitutes a legally binding contract between myself and that class of citizens who will be my constituents, should I win the upcoming election. In the event that I fail to perform the above-required actions, redress may be sought by those same citizens in the form of a class-action suit in a civil court of law, and I will be liable for a minimum of $10,000,000 damages for breach of contract. If I fail to resign from office due to my failure to fulfill the other requirements of this contract or similar contracts, I may be liable for an additional class-action settlement for an amount not less than $50,000,000. To reinforce the fundamentally democratic boundaries of this contract, and to preclude frivolous legal action, litigational harassment, and related abuses: 1) Class action lawsuits can only be initiated by a clear majority in a referendum of constituent voters: and 2) No portion of the awarded settlements resulting from class action lawsuits may be paid from campaign donations, PACs or SuperPACs.
I sign this contract voluntarily and with full appreciation of my responsibility to the citizens of the [Name of Congressional District] should they choose me as their elected representative. I accept the terms of this document as legally binding, and with a thorough and lucid understanding of its requirements and consequences.
Signed: ________________
Date: _________________
Let me tell you why this will work.
First, we’ll know who’s serious about reform and who’s not. Talk is cheap. If a candidate signs the contract, we’ll know he or she is serious. Because . . .
Second, if they’ve signed on the dotted line, when they report for work in Washington DC, they will have to deliver on everything they agreed to in writing in the contract.
Not just because it’s a contract. But because it would be political suicide if they didn’t.
I won’t elaborate. You’re smart people. Think about it.
In closing, I find it inspiring and heartening that Mr. Sanders is doing what he’s doing.
I hope that his supporters will have the energy and foresight to build on the awakening that seems to be occurring in this country. I hope they will dedicate themselves to putting in place elected representatives who truly represent, who are serious about turning this country around, advancing an America which serves all of us, not just a privileged few.
Yes, I put this forth as a challenge.
It’s really quite simple . . .
Cheer leading and hero-worship are the easy part.
Revolution is hard work.
Bernie got the ball rolling.
Are you prepared to do some heavy-lifting?
Or is Chris Hedges right? . . .
Is this just more BS along the historical road to disintegration and collapse?
Peace is as American as . . . ?
Yes, there was an anti-war movement in the late 60s, early 70s.
But it was an anti-war movement . . . specific to one particular war.
The Vietnam War.
Because young people — I was the perfect age and in the thick of it — didn’t want to get blown away in some rice paddy in some country in Asia they could barely find on a map.
It’s was survival. Demonstrate. Burn your draft cards.
Stay alive!
To be in principle for peace means you are values-driven.
But Americans for the most part are results-driven.
Get the job done. Get the job done right. Miller time.
Which troublingly is a short leap to “the ends justify the means”.
To see how that works out, just ask the survivors of Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki.
Ask the citizens of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua, Kosovo, Yemen.
Get the job done. Get it done right. Watch the Super Bowl.
Peace is a warm and fuzzy idea. It’s something you can wriggle right up to, get all friendly, pinch its cute little cheeks, coddle it like a newborn, smile for the camera.
Yes, peace is really awesome!
As long as you don’t have to be peaceful.
Therein lies the conundrum.
America likes to kick ass! It’s our way or the highway.
It’s our way or you better head for a bomb shelter, mofo!
America is tough. You know where America stands.
America wears its temperament on its sleeve.
It open-carries its guns . . . fair warning.
Don’t even think about it!
Fuck with me and you’re dead meat!
Doesn’t exactly sound like fertile ground for a peace movement, eh?
Simple and attractive.
Make a great tattoo. Charm bracelet. Bumper sticker.
They’re compact, symmetrical.
Blend in nicely anywhere.