Is it the masses of America demanding? . . .
Peace! Peace Now! We Want Peace!
Oops! My mistake.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news . . .
It’s actually a death rattle. The low guttural burbling of a movement on its death bed.
The sad truth is that the peace movement in America is in a coma, just a whimper away from an inglorious burial in an unmarked grave behind the county dump.
When is the last time more than a few hundred showed up at a massive rally for peace?
Is there hope?
I’d like to think there is.
But we have to be realistic. If we’re going to have a serious national conversation about peace, ending the senseless self-sabotaging wars, and taking America off permanent war footing, we must approach everyday citizens in language they understand, in terms they can embrace, in a way that is so powerful and over-the-top they can’t possibly ignore it.
The Peace Dividend concept is just that. It is so extreme and outside-the-box — not that that discredits or invalidates it in the least — it can only get traction from two sources.
Either a bold and charismatic politician makes it central to his public oratory and serious political agenda. Obama, Sanders, and (I hate to admit it) Trump would all be capable of “selling” it. Obama and Sanders both love war. Trump is mentally challenged. Maybe there’s another MLK out there somewhere. We can dream!
Or we must look to the second and more likely path, which is through citizen demand.
Yet another senseless war breaks out. Body bags are piling up. The national debt begins skyrocketing. People have finally had it. They are sick of empire building, endless wars, appalling waste. This scenario could unfold sooner than we think. We have a tough guy president who’s just proposed a 10% increase in our already bloated military budget, we have both major parties screaming for war. Major confrontation with Iran, China, Russia — or all three — is on the horizon.
Unfortunately, when that happens all chaos will be unleashed, the fog and frenzy of battle will roll over everyone like a toxic oil spill, the media will go into hyper-drive to “support our troops”, the imbeciles who led us into the conflagration will be grandstanding and/or pointing fingers of blame at everyone else, and clearer heads will be lopped off in displays of fanatic super-patriotism as the media fills our eyes and ears with tales of valor, sacrifice, and superhuman acts of heroism. It will be a bullshit storm of epic proportions.
So we need to act . . . and we need to act now!
We should be sounding the alarm loud and clear: People need to know about the “rip off” of their tax dollars and the grotesque lies being told to promote slaughter across the planet purely to stuff the coffers of the military corporations and their rich beneficiaries.
We could be doing this right now. There already exists a phenomenal network of peace activism. But these organizations are totally ineffective now because their message, 1) is not getting heard, 2) is not engaging, 3) is stale and boring. I have contacted hundreds of these groups and their spokespersons. No one is interested in new ideas. These include a lot of very famous peace activists (you would definitely recognize most of the names).
So . . .
Either I’m crazy.
Or . . .
These peace creeps can’t get their heads around the idea that for 40 years now, continuing right up to the present, they have completely failed. The old methods and battle cries from the Vietnam War days haven’t worked since the 70s. These folks need a new paradigm. They need new memes. They need both a new message and better messaging.
Just look around. We just had a Peace Prize president who dropped 26,171 bombs last year on countries we’re not even at war with. The U.S. has engaged in massive military aggression in eight countries since the peace dividend was originally promised in 1992. We are now in an open-ended war on terror that is making us and the entire world less safe. Our military is the scourge of the planet!
Is the current peace movement actually going to claim they’re making progress? That the demonstrations, petitions, bumper stickers are working? [Insert Einstein’s definition of insanity here.]
The Peace Dividend concept is not some impulse, some catchy phrase developed over a bowl of hashish. It’s a fully developed strategy. I’ve outlined what the approach entails, how it can be implemented, how we can pay for it. This last point is very important. The Peace Dividend refund, because of its scale and the manner in which it is funded, drives a host of other progressive reforms. It is a watershed for massive realignment of our priorities and appropriation of economic resources. Seems like that would be worth paying attention to.
If you know anyone working in the anti-war organizations, please tell them they absolutely must take a look at my plan. Singing Give Peace A Chance doesn’t cut it anymore. Neither does getting a peace sign tattooed to your forehead.
The world is rushing headlong toward world war, risking nuclear annihilation and the end of the human race. Eliminating geo-political idiocy, imperial hubris, and monomaniacal delusions of conquest by challenging our warmongering elites with a powerful and truly effective plan of action, should be what shapes and defines the struggle of those noble organizations attempting to abolish war and promote peace throughout the world.
A strategy like the Peace Dividend must be the centerpiece giving focus to their efforts.
Otherwise, the next time I file an update, the response will be . . .
“What peace movement?”
The Peace Dividend: The Most Controversial Proposal in the History of the World is now available both as an ebook and deluxe paperback at all of the usual outlets.
Amazon (Kindle) / US . . .
Amazon (Print) / US . . .
Amazon (Kindle) / UK . . .
Amazon (Kindle) / Canada . . .
Amazon (Kindle) / Japan . . .
Barnes & Noble . . .
Kobo (Indigo) . . .
Apple iTunes . . .
Smashwords . . .
Direct from printer . . .
Warren Buffett or Jimmy Buffett?
Here’s an URGENT APPEAL I received the other day on Facebook:
This is an idea that should be passed around. The BUFFETT Rule! Let’s see if these idiots understand what people pressure is all about.
Congressional Reform Act of 2017
1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman / woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they’re out of office.
2. Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.
3. Congress can purchase their own retirement plan, just as all Americans do.
4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.
5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.
6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people.
7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void effective 3/1/17.
The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women. Congress made all these contracts for themselves. Serving in Congress is an honor, not a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators, so ours should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work.
If each person contacts a minimum of twenty people, then it will only take three days for most people in the U.S. to receive the message.
It’s time! THIS IS HOW YOU FIX CONGRESS! If you agree, pass it on.
There’s a lot of confusion about this initiative.
Moreover, he is not in any way responsible for the “Congressional Reform Act of 2017,” which is just the latest version of the dubious and rather flawed “Congressional Reform Act of 2011”.
Regardless, it absolutely astounds me that no one seems to see the ONE MAJOR DEFECT in this noble attempt to reform Congress. This fatal error happens to apply to most of the ideas I’ve recently encountered, intended to fix America and get our country back on track.
This proposed act has to be passed by Congress.
Which begs the obvious question . . .
Why would they pass it?
What are these folks thinking? Do they actually think that the current crop of corporate pay-for-play lapdogs who sit in their comfy jobs in Washington DC are going to do anything to jeopardize their free ride with the rich and powerful of this country?
I just love it, for example, when people propose progressive constitutional amendments. According to the Article V: “The Constitution provides that an amendment may be proposed either by the Congress with a two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the State legislatures.” Apparently, these wild-eyed dreamers haven’t read the newspaper lately. The Republicans own the White House, both chambers of Congress, most governorships, and the majority of state legislatures. Even more shocking, we often see Democrats siding with the extreme right-wing legislative ideologues on a host of key issues — increasing defense spending, perpetuating war, advocating more tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy.
Consider this . . .
It’s impossible to get GMO labeling on food product legislated, something supported by 93% of all Americans, regardless of party affiliation. Do progressive strategists actually believe they can get anything through Congress which genuinely serves the majority of Americans, with the current cutthroat mercenary puppets installed in the seats of power? Here we have something 93% of Americans want and it gets killed by corporate greed and legislators who couldn’t spell ‘representation’ if a gun was pointed at their heads.
I’ve said this over and over. But it bears repeating until folks get it.
We have to have a CLEAN SWEEP OF CONGRESS. Regime change in Washington DC!
Let’s stop kidding ourselves.
The people now in positions of power will not do anything for everyday U.S. citizens. NOTHING! They will do the bidding of their deep-pocketed financiers, their mega-rich and powerful masters . . . and that’s it. End of story. So let’s start doing some real work! Let’s begin the daunting but absolutely necessary task of swapping out 33 senators and at least 400 of the traitors who are currently in the House of Representatives in 2018.
I have a method for accomplishing this. It’s summarized in two of my books — Candidate Contracts: Taking Back our Democracy and Fighting For The Democracy We Deserve — and dozens of articles published here and all over the web.
In each congressional district, good decent citizens must choose four or five issues which are critical to them, things which are totally non-negotiable, things they are absolute and unswerving about. For example:
1. Make no changes in Social Security and Medicare.
2. Raise the federal minimum wage to $12.50 per hour.
3. Eliminate corporate welfare and increase taxes on the rich.
4. Reverse by law the Citizens United decision.
5. Cut back on military spending.
The good news is that nationally there is already enormous support for these.
75% of Americans want a federal minimum wage of $12.50 per hour.
76% of voters want a cut back on military spending.
79% of voters want no reductions in Social Security, 70% support expanding it.
79% of voters want no reductions in Medicare.
80% of voters oppose the “Citizens United” U.S. Supreme Court decision.
68% of voters think taxes on the wealthy should be increased.
Next step is to draw up a contract or set of contracts on those issues. Such a contract will look and read like this, one I drew up for raising the minimum wage to $15.00 per hour.
Then we simply put it to the candidates. It’s up to them. Will they sign the contract(s) and guarantee that they will go to Washington DC and hit the ground running, doing exactly what we want them to do? Or not?
If they sign, we vote for them.
If they don’t, we vote for someone who will.
It’s that simple! And it’s that clear. Either they will decisively and unequivocally, with no excuses or double-talk, do the job we vote them in office to do . . .
Or we don’t vote for them!
In the event there is no major party candidate willing to sign the contract — and recognize that is a very distinct possibility — then we turn to a minor party candidate, or put one on the ballot ourselves.
THAT’S how you take back our democracy!
THAT’S how we take the guesswork out of voting!
THAT’S how you make sure the voice of the voice of the people is heard!
THAT’S how you put “people” back in the equation . . . government of the people, by the people, for the people.
It’s either that . . . or drink a lot of tequila and watch our country steadily descend into the sewer of economic medievalism and kleptocratic tyranny.
I like a good time as much as the next guy.
But maybe we should wait until we have good reason to celebrate.